
I have a lot of friends who are 10-15 years older than me, (I'm a musician, so a lot of those guys were still on the scene as 30 year olds when I was 18), and there is definitely a demarcation point…somewhere around 52, I think.

I'm gen X, but my grandfather fought the KAISER.

Well, it's no VALLEY GIRL for sure. For SURE.

You're talking to somebody who has the billboard top 100 for every year of the seventies on a memory stick in his car.

Meh. Tell it to Floyd and Zeppelin.

Because: slackers.

Meh. Those GG people grew up with minstrel shows, were 40-50 for civil rights. I'll give them a pass.

I disagree with that. I like the seventies, think the eighties were musically garbage.

Dude, these are AMERICAN generations. Other countries have different generational signifiers and signposts.

…and all of those should have the qualifier:"Compared to modern attitudes" thrown in.

For me that time is every day.

That shit is going to be weird, growing up without any experience with the post-WW2 weirdness, like the Berlin wall or cold war and its attendant proxy wars.

I'd stay away from alpha for a few years, but other than that, sure!

" surprising interactions with the lush world and humanity around them" DEFINITELY means: Hanging out getting stoned with Woody Harrelson and Willie Nelson.

That was one that came to my mind, too. Classic.

I couldn't tell. Did the author think the premise wore thin over time?

You get a rare squirtloaf upvote for that.

Right? What next…Cliff Richard?

No, there is just a pause between "MAN" and "D" that you never noticed.