The Grim Squeaker

River Tam, not Song. #corrections

My theory is that it’s Warboys.

I didn’t even care before I read this article, but reading the reason has removed most of the respect I may have otherwise had for Kojima.

I wish Kojima just said “because I want to dress her that way.” It seems like a more honest and less eye-roll worthy reason.

Not at all. Because at the end of the day, Kojima wanted her to be naked. He wanted her to be exposed and just because he came up with a contrived “reason” for her to be so exposed doesn’t change his motivation at all. I’m feeling fine about my words and deeds. How’s Kojima feeling about his?

Yeah, well...

This show helped me beat depression, it has some of the best representation of non-binary gender characters.

Yes! Vindicated! Take that disbelievers

Steven Universe is the best show on television.

It/she/he looks so determined when booking it. It’s adorable!

Captain America: Vision Kills Cap’s Team in the First Five Minutes

Yes, just like you chose how tall you ended up right?

If Apple doesn’t want me to see it, why is on iTunes?

How has no one called the police, when we have clear video evidence of this man being robbed?

Philosophical question: If they did a Donald Trump action figure, would the hair look realistically unrealistic?

We’re in the pipe 5 by 5!

If we did “mass shooter” drills in elementary schools at the rate we did fire drills, I can guarantee you we’d have better gun control laws because the apathetic parents who pick their kid up and get “We pretended there was a crazy man in our school shooting everyone today” might actually start thinking about how it

I have developed an unhealthy obsession with Steven Universe lately.

This guy does pretty good Steven Universe comics too.