The Grim Squeaker

It started as a series of books, which you should read even though they’re considered “for children”. They really are delightful and rather heartfelt.

This is 1000 times more horrifying than the cartoon version!

... so I hope your answers are substantive.

Yoo arr ell. For sure. My entire professional life is based around them. You say the letters in the acronym. You can turn the comments off now.

Every time I hear about “present exactly the same person/work but trick the decision-maker into believing the person is male (/white/able-bodied/straight)” experiments I want to scream and shove it in everyone’s faces. People spend so much time and energy saying “women (/PoC/etc) just don’t try as hard / don’t care as

The other issue is that it’s better to be cold than hot in an office. If it’s too cold, you can put a jacket on; if it’s too hot, you sweat and stink the place up. If it’s too hot, people (I at least) become sluggish and sleepy, while a bit of a chill will keep you awake.

Your sources debunked:

Now fuck off.

I believe you have confused the President with the Koch brothers and their congressional lackeys, but whatever.

Hey Cortana, why do you think I was asking you in the first place?! Fine I’ll do it myself.

Cortana: “I’m sorry, but Alexa is being a childish bitch right now and we’re not on speaking terms. Maybe when she apologizes I’ll think about your request.”

* This is why Full AI seems like a bad idea sometimes...

2 Petawatts is not enough, nothing will ever be enough.

Never even crossed my mind to check if I could change the font. Just don’t care that much. Figured others didn’t either. It’s fucking email.

best demon