The Grim Squeaker

Even the vehicle sections of Half-Life 2 on an ordinary monitor make me dizzy and want to hurl, if the FOV is at the default. I can easily imagine VR mkaing me barf.

Though the problem I had with a few minutes of Dactyl Nightmare was wanting to keep turning and circle strafing but just tangling up my cables.

Yup, was going to mention Seveneves. Lots of interesting robot designs in there, but the “snake” type was the basis for a huge variety of things, especially with swarming behavior.

I’d post a picture of the Double-Decker Couch... but LEGO’s made that an official kit.

I have never enjoyed a Lego game much, though I used to love the actual things when I was a kid and I collect minifigs now.

I want this so much though.

KeePass all the way. You can keep your password database in the cloud (DropBox or whatever), named innocously. Use a long but memorable passphrase, at least one second worth of key transformation rounds, and require a separate key file that you never put in the cloud nor on an email server (store it on a personal USB

I built myself a standing desk at home, and use a big comfortable barstool about 95% of the time anyway. At work I have a DeskCycle and try to take frequent breaks to walk around at least a little bit.

Eating apples usually just makes me hungrier. I’ve given up on them for the most part.

Oh look, a house centipede. I’ll just sit here and watch it make its way into your underwear drawer.


Hey there mouse, how you doin’? I’m just vegging out here, don’t mind me.


I prefer keyboard/mouse for almost everything except driving games, so a controller is just a compromise for not having the space or budget for a racing wheel. And there are about 3 racing games I care about on PC.

DualShock 4 + this device: $80
Steam Controller: $50
Logitech F710: $40
Logitech F310: $16

“I know in my heart that developers could probably figure out how to make a code that works in plain language but then they’d be fucked professionally.”

Nope, it’s because plain language is just way too vague. “Take out the trash” is plain language (as are variations like “the trash can is full, hint hint” and

Not even to give a War Boy the chance to go to Valhalla, all shiny and chrome?

I don’t think transparent dispalys will necessarily be your main way of, say, watching TV or using a computer, but there are plenty of applications.

I’ve never liked the XBox style controllers. I’d use a Dual Shock, but since I don’t have a PS4 it makes more sense to go with something like a Logitech F310 or F710, or at this point hold out for a Steam Controller.

That bismuth price. You can get a smaller crystal at Amazon for $5 instead of $200. Or you can get a pound of 99% pure bismuth for $20 and make the crystals in your own kitchen.

If you hadn’t posted that I would have.

With the latest update it finally started working.

That sound ruined a couple of Buffy episodes for me if I remember right.

It was also used in Alpha Centauri, and a couple of other games.

eXistenZ was worth watching once (but maybe plan to not eat anything for a while afterwards). Today it comse off as a solid B movie, even if the tropes have been done better.