The Grim Squeaker

The rent is wages are too damn high low.

Golden Corral actually varies a lot in quality from place to place. You’d have to pay me a lot to even breathe the air in the one near here ever again, but I’ve eaten at a couple that are actually good.

I have it set to enable notifications for each of the bundle types.

If I have GMail notifications disabled, I never get Inbox notifications (including location and time-based reminders).
If I have GMail notifications enabled, usually I get both GMail and Inbox notifications for the same mail, and more rarely just GMail.

I’ve been using Inbox since the beginning, but have had to keep regular GMail notifications enabled on my phone because the Inbox ones didn’t always fire. I wonder if that’s fixed yet.

I’ll see your 8-track tapes and raise you vinyl records.

I lived in Florida for 25 years and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen conch fritters on a menu. I’ve seen gator tail a few times but maybe that’s also a Louisiana thing. I’d have guessed Key lime pie, but that’s pretty widespread (even if it’s often made with the wrong limes).

I’ve been a programmer since 1990, so yes.

Dreams that are actually about coding are fairly rare, and frustrating because dream logic has its own twisted Calvinball rules that have nothing to do with logic. Often code is completely undecipherable symbols and stuff just works by magic or not at all.

Videogame dreams are

That is my favorite thing today.

They missed their chance to have Bishop as a bishop.

This is one of those moments where I’m happy to be a geek with no (traditional) fashion sense. I don’t see anything wrong with either suit, except that they are suits. I don’t get the haters here, or the “you have to spend at least $X on a suit” or “it has to be tailored.” And I’m glad I don’t think that way. Suits

The US response:

- regulations? OMG it’s communism
- infrastructure investment? OMG it’s big government
- science? OMG it’s not Jeeezus
- this so-called “drought” is just a liberal conspiracy and the free market will fix everything

When I was a kid, my dad had an “Invader” rail buggy, with a stock VW Beetle engine, in which we climbed steeper and taller hills than that. Maybe not with as much style, though.

I’m very happy with it. Decent tech features, very quiet. Gets about 41 MPG on 70MPH highway trips, and more like 60 MPG going to work (less in freezing weather). The car cost about $19K and it’s great value.

What I don’t like: it’s a minor nitpick, but the rear window. It seems to get dirty much faster than I’m used

I had an ‘02 Lancer until 6 months ago. It failed emissions inspections four times with various issues (one of which was removing some apparently unnecessary factory part) and safety inspections twice with broken sway bars, and I never drove it that hard. I also had a surprising number of flat tires for some reason,

Well, this ballot stuffing nonsense sure does ruin the poll.

I have a Google Play Music subscription and my spouse has a Pandora One subscription. Pandora is much better at creating playlists that match the tracks that seed them — but my MO is listening to entire albums; I just use those automatic playlists as a

I had a Maine Coon who loved watermelon. You couldn’t eat it anywhere in the house without her jumping you and trying to steal it. She’d eat the red and part of the white by rasping it with her tongue, and occasionally try to bite the rind.

To me the weirdest part of it was that supposedly cats can’t taste sweetness.


My eyes don’t believe you. My hands are making grabby motions.

It’s not a Roomba until a cat can ride around on top of it. Though I suppose, a kitten suspended from a sling is close enough.

Just being able to stabilize is the real trick. My two tiny quadcopters have the flip feature too but I’ve never used it, because trying to keep them under control is difficult enough.