The Grim Squeaker

“Curing” baldness is like figuring out how to turn diamonds into coal.

I have a personal ritual of sorts, where I go into a quiet room, without phone or computer or other people, nor with reading material. I either journal with pen and paper, or I talk out loud about whatever is on my mind, or I just sit there and informally meditate, or I do pattern-ish coloring books with colored

"Probably, if a multinational consumer goods firm tried to tell you that you could acquire beauty by rubbing a palm-sized wad of Bangladesh on your face, you would not be all, "Cool, I'll do that."

I prefer to use a chunk of Tuvalu, myself.

Use a password manager, like LastPass or Keepass or 1Password. That way you only have to remember one password — preferably a nice long phrase.

Take it one step further. For the sake of reducing waste, wars can be settled by robotic single combat.

By this logic, Earth should be named “planet.”

This should have been a quiz, without spoilers, where you watch either real footage (without the overlays) or game footage in 3-second clips without looping and have to choose which it was. I bet a lot of people claiming they could tell easily wouldn't have done nearly as well.

That’s how Korean Fan Death happens.

I’d file that under “Never buy version 1.0.” The Prius has improved a lot since it was introduced.

Exactly. This is a world where the wealthy are willing to spend thousands of dollars on a bag to carry stuff around with them, or on a watch that is no more functional than a $3 Casio. Cars are fashion accessories too.

Um, the “being tricked” meme is exactly the most transphobic thing ever.

(Also, it’s stupid. Other peoples’ genders are not about you.)

Since 2010, Bridgeton, MO (a St. Louis suburb) has had an underground fire 1/4 mile from an old illegal nuclear waste dump.

Minuum also has a semi-normal full size keyboard mode, which retains the ridiculously good prediction/autocorrect without looking weird.

Pillars. I don’t know about anything else.

Almost. A world where everyone is beautiful, and no one is happy because they can only look to the left.

“The forces of reason”

I got 3/5 on AmazonBasics earbuds with whatever integrated audio hardware is on my work computer. And I was purely guessing; I thought they sounded slightly different but not actually better except in one case, and it was too slight to care. A little EQ or a different set of headphones would have made a *much* bigger

"As you take your next inhale, think to yourself: What is today's most important outcome?"

I think there's maybe something to be said for feeling like you're in control of *something* in your life, anyway. It'll be interesting to see how self-driving cars change that.