
That doesn't look like a pyramid at all.

Apocalypse? . . . more like "Japocalypse."

@Curves: If I had nasolacrimal ducts and a soul, that would have brought tears to my eyes.

I'm offended by the discrimination against us soulless people.

A 13-MP camera seems inordinate.

@Forgetful: We're not there, yet. You're just forgetful.

You mark my words, in a generation from now, people are going to say: "Who's Jon Bon Jovi?"

The recording and (physical) music distribution industries are in a state of attrition, but the music industry isn't dying. Just look at the staggering amount of money people spent on live shows.

America, fuck yeah!

@MazdaMania: I know how you hate Apple products so much, so is he a pathetic human being because he openly admits to being an Apple fanboy, or is he a pathetic human being for an actual reason?

I'm pretty sure it would be against the laws of physics for Hollywood to turn anything into something that's not a cesspool of shitty movies.

Damn, I was just about to buy one.

The only drug I'm on is Charlie Sheen.

@stavosws6: Because Soylen—I mean, Apple Magic is PC People.

You're just baiting me to make a reference to Gizmodo and wanting a golden ticket, aren't you?

@jdale: Oh, okay. I didn't see that because I didn't read Gizmodo's take and just went straight to Nielson and Engadget.

@Ioncloud9: I've made phone calls from an iPod Touch.

@jdale: It doesn't make it look like that at all. It's a pretty straight forward graph. Obviously it's not making any statement about people who don't own smartphones.

It's impressive what Apple did with one phone family on one network.