
@MSI, Captain: Hoping for a major OS update in March was silly.

What you don't know is that Apple keeps Ive in that room so he doesn't escape back to England.

@makegizgood: Uh, no, he said anyone could be Kanye West. That's the part of his post I addressed.

@themightyspitz: Yep, I definitely said "Being an artist means being rich and winning accolades" . . . wait, no, I didn't say that.

@Denver is too damn high: Yes, it is the Internet that can't turn away, hence the title "The Internet Is Watching Charlie Sheen Implode."

@minimaltek: You stopped long enough to comment, though.

@themightyspitz: If anyone could be Kanye, there wouldn't be a Kanye, sorry.

Whatever it takes to get and keep Two and a Half Men from making more episodes, I'm for it.

@Nitesh: It's just a guess.

@WUSS: I've already seen Jesus Diaz respond to this question: He, quite emphatically, said, "Yes, it was worth it."

@RadderthanRad: You're a little late to my party. But you're better late than never, I suppose.

@AJ: That's probably correct. But I'm a hopeful malevolent: I think most people are dumb. I know most people are dumb, but I think they can overcome it if they tried. And I know most people won't try, but I hope at least some will.

@usedtowork: I'd say the guy who can't properly capitalize and punctuate.

@RadderthanRad: Nope, I got it. You're just painfully unfunny.

@RadderthanRad: I see, you're trying to be clever: I never said knights were good people, but, of course, you're pigeonholing knights—that's your fault and mistake, and, let's be honest, religion was at fault for that, anyway—but I meant "real knights" as in people who actually did things: they fought and defended.

This makes sense. The only ass Steve Jobs kisses is his own. He's definitely not kissing some old-ass lady's ass.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: It's always seemed silly to me, but I suppose it's just one of those things I'll never understand since I don't live in a country with monarch . . .