
So many to choose from; 3D Monster Maze, Ant Attack, Elite (BBC disk version at a friend’s), Battlezone, Scramble, Pole Position, the unknown text adventure game on the mainframe where my parents worked.

As my only experience of separating pro cycling was watching le Tour pass by when it came near me here in the UK, there was also advertising/sponsor vehicles driving ahead of everything throwing out freebies!

Nah, trolling is crudely faking Shenmue 3 game cases and leaving them in the second hand bin in Electronics Boutique back in the day.....

But does it let you know when you’ve reached Elite?

I don’t know, this guy looks pretty big.....

And without which, we’d have never had Concerned the Half-Life comic (for which you really had to have played the game to completion for most of the jokes to make sense)

It’s funny, seeing this article so soon after the piece about the NegCon controller; that was my favourite way to play the earlier games, until it either got traded in or broken. In the 90s, Sega park in London had what I think was a demo version of 2097, running on a PC and with a moderate amount of cabinet movement

Many Thanks. I always liked the games which held onto a sense of humour. Some of the White Dwarf mini campaigns for Warhammer (?) were good; Bloodbath at Orc’s Drift, Dart of Harkness to name but two.

These remind me of an RPG I saw for sale and saw mini campaigns for in White Dwarf, which was set in a dystopian future and in which the players had to accomplish relatively simple tasks while the GM, acting as the “central computer” (I think), tried to screw them over at every opportunity. I wish I’d got a chance to

At 9:19, in the comparison photo, there’s what looks like a German soldier with his head down and I think that’s what they took for inspiration for the helmet for the machine gunner. Can’t explain the rest though, other than artistic licence.

I did notice the “Wasteland Ranger” shares footwear with the figure below; saving a few pence here and there? Doesn’t stop me wanting one, though...

And IDDQD; used to type that in chat on CS: Source and complain it wasn’t working, to see if anyone got the joke...

I miss arcades :-(

Wasn’t that because the rail the laser tracked bad and forth on was made of plastic and sat above the power supply, which inevitably got hot and warped the rail? I seem to remember a friend having to turn theirs upside down to play it was that bad....

Nah, more Mark Strong I think.

That’s the trouble I run into as well; love the outfit, no idea who they are or what they’re from.

It’s a nice idea, but having had to to rebuild the ConstructoMech when it’s spread across 3 35litre boxes is not fun (thanks, son!). We did discover that a kid’s paddling pool makes a good place to spread out the Lego while you spend hours looking for parts.

I was going to post this, glad I scanned down first