
The small pleasures of a place can make a big difference. For example, I find big trees to be an anti-depressant for some reason. Also clean water. When I couldn't take any more, I moved to the Pacific NW. For you it might be a vibrant art scene, or a decent night life, or whatever, but it deserves as much

I think the fact that you are unhappy and frustrated with your surroundings is a greater threat to your relationship than the prospect of having to do it long distance. From my own experience that kind of constant chafing can turn you into someone you don't like. If you have stuff you need to get done first, try to

I should point out that in the music world (or any other), the sun does not rise and set on rural Wisconsin.

You should either move away with her or move away without her. Most depression isn't Depression where you feel bad even though things are good; most cases are situation-based, but if you put up with it long enough the difference can vanish. Getting the fuck out of town can be as easy as tossing a sleeping bag in your

Steak is a problem if you're cursed with the need to chew your food thoroughly, as it tastes best when it's still hot and it cools quickly. I think the ideal serving size for a good steak is about 2 ounces, but it could never be cost-effective at that size. Also it would be un-American.

Donnie Brasco would work for a similar list about Pacino.

I doubt he would touch a book like this, but I would be intrigued enough to watch if he did.

Isn't elbowing other people out of my way challenge enough?

Yup, both idiotic and selectively derivative. The same people I believe made What the Bleep Do We Know, and just thinking about it makes me want to go out and kick puppies.

Yeah I was just goofing off. Also, less than half of the people in that show have West Country accents, no one is named Wortzel, and no one says "scrumpy." Interestingly, there is a seemingly random selection of folk on the "Irish Loop" of Newfundland who have the same accent, but it is reduced by familiarity to a

He's too smart for that. This is one of the first places the cops will look.

Yeah, I'm still giving mine lessons in avoiding fanmade surprises while searching for MLP videos. Only took one to get her to become very cautious with Youtube.

His stuff can be both better and worse, but I can't read any of it without a twinge of irritation borne of the Alchemist and its pernicious "the universe will bend over backwards to give you what you want, if you want it bad enough" theme. Great, now I'm all pissed off.

Let's hope this is the last adaptation of a Paulo Coelho novel. At least by anyone other than Werner Herzog. I guess that last part goes without saying.

Don't forget Torchwood: Miracle Day! What could possibly go wrong?

Pretty sure sci-fi western could fall equally under "history" and "the arts."

No my dad just said, "I don't think that was Zorro."

What hurts even worse than waiting? When the sequel comes out but you can't have it. When the Wiz War expansion came out as a limited edition, store employees bought it before the doors even opened. Also the last book of the Chung Kuo series was a collector's item last time I checked.

I'd rather have more Abarat.

Or Doctor Detroit 2: The Wrath of Mom?