
I don't think I've seen any scene with Madeleine Khan that wasn't pure gold.

Everyone says that, but I thought the only real problem with it was how much was left out. I saw it in the theater when I was seven and it scared the shit out of me.

I went to a lot of movies with my brother, but the first non-disney movie I saw alone was meant to be Zorro the Gay Blade. Somehow I walked through the wrong door and saw Chuck Norris' Eye for an Eye. I got so caught up in the story that I totally forgot what I had come to see. It was only when my dad asked me

That's true, but it does seem like Bristol was churning out privateers for a while.

Free or not, the ones we've been to have been saying goodbye almost the moment our asses hit the chair. If there's a dentist anywhere who believes in regular cleanings, I will take a train there.

If they have Jam and Jerusalem, sometimes called Clatterford, I highly recommend watching it all. It's a Jennifer Saunders thing, but funny in a completely different way from AbFab. Also has Dawn French and Joanna Lumly. And funny accents (it's in the West Country where people still talk like pirates).

Or, as they love to say here when they mean merely adequate, brilliant.

Seriously though, the dental care in the UK is cursory at best, and continually disappoints me after the great dentists I used to see in the Pacific NW.

I think he also started the Residents' fan club, which was another haven for weirdos.

Some states you lose your vote for like 10 years

I remember getting up extra early being less risky.

Put that way, it sounds like they are ahead of the curve.

Finnish, Hungarian, Saami, and Mongolian are all Magyar dialects

Not Vikings, Magyars.

Thanks for Gates of Steel. I love that song.

No DiCaprio.

Same problem with Blonde on Blonde. Just not hearing it somehow.

And for all you Lusophones: X out to lunch, and her X has slipped off her burger.

I respect that Malkovich recognizes his limitations and goes with an accent he knows he can do rather than afflicting us with a failed Bristol one.

That would have made sense. For some reason Battle of the Planets only showed at like 6 in the morning where I grew up. I only managed to catch it that early a handful of times.