
I want to see Hearts of Darkness turned into a movie.

I bought an early version of this set for myself, and bought a later but earlier than this version for my f-i-l.

I bought an early version of this set for myself, and bought a later but earlier than this version for my f-i-l.

Some of it also depends on the partner you’re with.

Where I work confidence = ego.

It was good, not great. The heavy use of CG and the fact that it took me out of so many scenes made it worse than it was.

I’ll think about it.

  • a Human Torch-type character who might be Inferno or Toro

But will it update Gawker feeds without a delay?

Is that Gambit on the Daredevil cover...?

Last few times I talked to them about it they wanted my social security card AND driver’s license. I don’t care if you’re Facebook, POTUS, or Zorlax the Emperor of Inunn... you’re not getting those. You and your service are not worth giving that information up.

It is, and yes, that is why.

I’m not trans, but my name isn’t a conventional name. Facebook will not allow me to use the site because I choose to use my real name. I can easily create as many profiles under fake names as I want, which is against their TOS, but not my real name, which is in the TOS.


Aeris still dies.

I guess, like most thing, the Twin Cities will have to wait for a long time.

I’m hoping good things happen because, while generally a bit pricey, ThinkGeek does have some cool stuff and I’d hate to see it disappear.