
Pandora's Box (Trinity in Nu52) is also in the pilot.

I worked for one summer at a butcher shop, learned all I needed.

That's a feature. :)

They make me laugh and isn't that the point? To be entertained? :)

Yosemite came out yesterday. Choose Software Update from the  (Apple) menu and it'll open the App Store to the update section.

Under Songs in the Sort by portion, choose "Album by Artist":

Also, if you want easier access to sections (Apps, Audiobooks, etc) in the icon bar within iTunes, do this:

Most welcome. :)

iTunes 12 sidebar (choose Playlists after Songs to get it back):

I don't use that suite of pro software, but so far the only things that borked were some java apps I had because Yosemite removes Java completely just like Mavericks did.

Tried just a bit ago:

The main focus isn't speed, it's security.

Yeah, this is a Photoshop 6+ thing. Doesn't work in 5.x

Kree Captain Mar-Vell is in there too.

I wonder if that

Wade will time travel into scenes from the other flicks, MST3K-ing them.

not going through the rigamarole of setting one up just to do that. not that into winning a pissing contest. ;)

If I could submit anonymously.... ;)

I'm soooooo not putting that out onto the internet.