Jeremy J

Indeed. I have come to learn that Tyler cuts through most BS and presents facts first, speculation in the next sentence, and spectacularism in no place.

Thank you for keeping us updated! And thanks for keeping it concise with out all the hysteria that has leaked into most news sources.


We’re always looking for something new. It’s part of the gearhead bug. Hell, I do research on engine swaps for which I have no technical proficiency to accomplish for cars I have no intention of ever buying.

To be fair, he’s also doing something nice for the Clippers.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

I don’t get this attitude unless you just don’t want to admit it was cool. Startup company builds fully electric car that can go 4 times farther than any other electric car and it outsells established rivals? That’s the definition of cool, at least from an engineering and business standpoint. What else does it need?

To say nothing of the fact that a house in Ladue costs $300k at the lowest. What are the median housing prices in these areas? I would love to raise a family in a $2MM house in the best public school district in the area, but I can’t afford it.

As a native Okie (got the fuck out at 17), I laughed. Well played.

I got your break right here. Go back to watching Fox News buddy.

Ohio , Missouri and Alabama? Oh, Patrick meant to call this page:

As someone who grew up in OK and has family and friends there, still (including some at the parade in Stillwater) I unfortunately have to agree with you. The simple-minded fucks have taken over Oklahoma (cough-cough- Governer Fallin and the 10Commandments Commandos) and rather than solve a problem they’ll stroke their

its the top story over at foxnation, and ALL the replies are variations on “how could this happen it’s a car free zone” “ban cars” etc

Oh, I was wrong: someone went with the “terrorism” angle first.

As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.

Luckily your boy Vin has nothing better to do:

I’d go find a gif that shows someone missing the point, but I’ve got better things to do.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

All I see is this.