Jeremy J

And, oh yeah, it lets corporations sue governments for compromising their profits by trying to protect the environment.

Except the TPP is terrible. More jobs will go overseas, wages will be kept low. It’s just big business trying to screw over everyone else. I’d happily not have foreign trucks for the TPP to not exist.

It’s not just labor exploitation. Its environmental rape by moving production to countries with pretty much no environmental policy whatsoever.

If they could extend this for Netflix, and optimistically any video content (maybe just allow overlaying any tab whatsoever), I would soo happy.

Ouch. Enjoy your time in the sun.

I drive a Prius. Does this negate every single “shoulda bought a diesel bro” comment on Jalopnik I’ve been forced to read over the past 10 years?

Football fans are the dumbest motherfuckers on the face of the planet.

>American V8
>Apex Assassin
>Nude chick in profile pic
>Miatas are gay

“gay” is so 1980’s - you need to update your English Insults Dictionary

Did you really just use ‘gay’ as an insult? What year do you live in? Can you burn me some Eminem CDs?

I suppose you’d need that V8 to haul around that big closet of yours.

did you get your parents’ permission before going online?

If a competent, enjoyable, fun-to-drive, RWD, manual car is gay, then call me Liberace.

What’s it like being 12?

Two things: “gay” is a seriously weak insult, and the Miata is awesome.

How about fuck you instead?

A note on Craftsman hand tools (screw drivers, sockets, wrenches etc). They have a lifetime warranty, no receipt needed. If for any reason “you are not satisfied” you can take it into a store and exchange it. There does not have to be visible damage to the tool. I know someone that went to yard sales buying all the

I’ll say it:

The Eagles suck almost as much as Harley riders.

I like the exterior. It is clean and understated. The perfect Q-ship. I don't want a bunch of boy-racer bling.