
Especially since there's almost literally no point to that scene. North spends time with them, and leaves for no established reason. I GUESS because he misses his family? But in a film like that it's kind of weak.

It's still open but it's on 31st & E Burnside now.

I remember mostly Nickelback, Hoobastank, Creed, Fuel, and Rever. As Rifftrax said "Gentlemen, commence moping!"

Y'know far be it from me to say "she should smile more" but being that rich, influential, and attractive you'd think she WOULD smile more.

Portland too. I could throw a rock in Southeast alone and find plenty.

Cusack's good at that, the gold standard being "Say Anything".

Changing formats aside, ever feel like the soundtrack just got killed by shitty music?

It spoke to audiences at the time, and plenty of teenagers if we're being honest. I confess now that I'm an adult myself, I'm kind of over snobbery of your hobby. Let everyone in and get over yourself.

Tina Fey had no lofty view of SNL after working there for so many years. Sorkin's all "history of television we owe it to the public blah blah blah." Fey's like "Is it funny?"

I've said this before (on this site no less) but the dialogue in Ultron is what turned me off the most. All of the characters sounded like Whedon. It was just an onslaught of pith and quips and it just got grating as the film went on.

Every Bond who's done more than one film has either a good one, a terrible one, or a forgettable one. Ironically the forgettable one for Moore is arguably his best: The Spy Who Loved Me. I'm sorry, I just don't remember it as much as the batshit craziness of Man With The Golden Gun or Moonraker.

Frying the Coke baby!

Stay with me on this: I'm working on a thing that requires me to review "Under The Cherry Moon" by Prince. Take heed: it is NOT a good film by any stretch. That said, I loved watching it because it was so insane, and only Prince could have made it.

Wheddon can blame the director all he wants, but he still put those stupid stupid ideas to page.

I love that look. The slow dawning of someone realizing what kind of movie they're really in. Last time I saw it it was on Christian Bale's face in Terminator Salvation.

They could at least Purrell before they do the hand-face thing, sheesh.

Just sittin' around, pissed off that he has no face XD

I remember the two kids getting killed in the subway and nothing else.

"Tomorrow Never Dies" commits the worst sin a Bond film can: being forgettable. Even at their worst with the Brosnan films I still remember Christmas Jones or the invisible car. "TND" is a big old pile of "feh".

In respect to Timberlake, he's been singing since he was a little kid, and was part of a group whose success is still hard to calculate. I understand him getting burnt out and wanting to try something else. It probably wouldn't be so bad if he didn't release albums so infrequently these days.