
Solo for "Heartbreak Warfare" legit makes me mad. It's the most pathetic, wan solo you ever heard it barely registers. I'm like "You're classically trained! Just press a little harder on the fret you wimp!"

I wanna be mad but I'm laughing too hard XD

Here's the thing about Spidey's supporting cast nobody likes to admit: nobody gives a shit unless they have a direct connection to Spidey himself.

Frankly, you can tell MacFarlane has less control over this show, mostly BECAUSE of the lack of cutaway gags and pop-culture references. American Dad's strongest asset is sticking to a premise for an episode and fleshing out the characters, something Family Guy can't be bothered with. The fact it gets less ratings is

"I live with a family of asses! If people pass by this house I'll have to tell them that the Ass Family lives here!"

While he worked it into a joke, I like that Jason has taken to calling the guest hosts "June" in her absence. His reason? "I really miss June." It's oddly sweet.

You know a movie's bad when even June is annoyed, because she usually plays Devil's Advocate. Her summation of "Jack Frost" is my favorite: "I'm hungover from this movie."

You can only say NUH UH for so long until someone says back UH HUH.

Can we just take a minute to applaud Wendy Schaal's performance as Francine? She's the real MVP of the cast. She somehow made a phrase "You put us in the goo!" a classic.

With Sinbad. Don't forget that. "Ask him if he's seen House Guest!"

Family Guy and Simpsons not only made a habit of pointing out their flaws but never fixing them, but also seemed to mock anyone who cared about their shows or got invested, which just seems cruel. We like these shows and watch them every week. Of course we're going to get invested!

Agreed. That's the one bit from the early days that was unambiguously good.

Johnny Depp really likes those milkshakes.

Holy shit I just watched the Rubberneckers episode where they did that. Not only was I impressed by the singing, but the fact they committed to it once Steve started. I was kind of impressed.

I recommend at least watching the two-parter where they go to Saudi Arabia. Francine's song is amazing, and of course there's Steve interacting with God in the form of Angelina Jolie.

I just love that the whole episode is based around Stan and Francine wanting the scariest haunted house. That's something BOTH of them would be super into.

The American Dad designs work better for me for reasons I can't explain. I particularly like that they came up with unique designs for Jesus and God during the Christmas episode, versus the rather generic designs they use on Family Guy.

JEFF: Hayley! I'm here with Sinbad's ghost!
SINBAD: Ask her if she's seen House Guest!

It took me a while to put my finger on what made American Dad so funny, especially versus Family Guy, but I think I figured it out: Family Guy posits itself like "Look at how random and shocking we are." American Dad meanwhile takes one weird premise every episode and commits to it, for all the drama and comedy that

The portrayal of Jesus and God in American Dad vs Family Guy is kind of remarkable. In Family Guy, they're kind of generic and clearly are just there to set up cut-aways. For their brief appearances in American Dad, Jesus and God felt like actual, fleshed out characters.