
An excellent example. Tennant was always snarling and foaming at the mouth when he made his threats. Capaldi says them matter-of-factly, but there's so much boiling under the surface there.

Supposed that's Capaldi's actual jumper that he'd wear in-between scenes, and they just decided to include it. It's like a low-key version of Matt Smith's bow tie.

I think what made Tennant effective as Kilgrave in "Jessica Jones" is they took what made him likable as the Doctor and twisted it into sociopathy. As for his Doctor on his own though, I never bought his angry or righteous scenes. Capaldi meanwhile handles those with aplomb.

Imagine him reading the Fitness Gram Pacer Test meme right now.

LESLIE: Ron, you have to stop writing in Willie Nelson every election.
RON: A man can dream, Leslie.

Agreed. Ron is many things, but sexist and racist is not one of them. That would have cut off support right there.

Imagine if Ron had suppressed his hatred for the federal government enough to run himself.

Can I say I prefer Capaldi when he's in the hoodie as opposed to the dress shirt? I feel like that's HIS Doctor in that outfit.

I like to imagine everything is a slam at Paul Ryan these days, including the most recent episodes of Sesame Street. Today's episode was brought to you by the letters F and U.

It's sad cause in the case of JNT I feel if he left when Davison did, he'd be better regarded today. But he oversaw Colin Baker's disastrous introduction and it was all downhill from there.

Troughton even personally recommended he do so. Considering all the non-Doctor Who that Davison gets to this day, perhaps he was onto something.

"Heaven Sent" had a quiet intensity made explicitly for Capaldi. As much as I love Tennant, he's best being broad and hammy. Capaldi you could just FEEL him seething that whole story.

That at least matched the tone of what he was adapting. If he chose some more hopeful Superman stories and stuck to their tone we'd be in business.

Because it worked SO WELL the last time we had an X-Men director take over Superman.

It gets worse, when the Titans compare themselves to the cast of Young Justice. All I could think was "Don't remind me of what I could be watching instead."

That was a legit moment as a human that I thought "Wow…never thought of it that way."

The examination of Steven's actions was what I found most fascinating here. Kid doesn't have a malicious bone in his body, but he DID do wrong by the Rubies. I feel for the first time I understand what happened to Rose previously: good intentions turned dark.

If anything that made it creepier!


For my part, I really liked this episode. It had dimension some of the recent batch was missing. You had Navy being sinister and calculating, but cheerful. You had Lapis trying to mentor, but cracking when it didn't sync up with her experience.