
Not to mention, if we go by the theory that people win Oscars because "it's their turn", then Woody Allen has had tons of more turns. The Academy has always embraced him even when the public shunned him. Meanwhile, "Star Wars" is once in a lifetime.

I didn't fall for it for a second (oh, they're gonna put something important in a Ronaldo episode?) but I feel at this point CN is trolling us with Ronaldo stories. Any reasonable person absolutely hates him but they keep centering episodes around him.

It's why I eventually just ran out of patience with Lars. They gave me so many episodes where we're supposed to understand him and sympathize with him, and at the end of every one I was like "Nope. Still hate him." Ronaldo's the same.

That was my reaction. "Goddamit Season 3 almost made me like you!!!"

Well at least he didn't try to kill anyone this episode.

The singles and title track are okay. But MAN is there a steep drop after that. Even the instrumental on that album is forgettable, and Rush usually rocks that.

I'm the opposite. I love Counterparts. I think it's their best album of the 90's. For some reason they put Test For Echo over that one and I will never understand why.

How much you wanna bet he genuinely smacked the extra and they just left it in?

Even, bizarrely, in a scene where it's clear she just got done having sex.

It's weird too because I'm such a fucking dork I bought both of Boyd's solo albums, and those are mostly mellow acoustic music. And even THAT was more interesting than "If Not Now When". It at least had dynamics and changes in the songs.

There's also a song on their called "The Girl Got Hot". And another called "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To".

You can tell Lambert is having the time of his life. Like after he sizes up Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, he gets to the end…

I'm that weirdo who prefers "Collateral". It made me genuinely sad Tom Cruise is bonkers, because he's amazing in that film. One of the great on-screen villains.

Rewatch "Power Rangers" sometime to see some great mid-90's CGI. Also apparently the trouble production made them cut the exposition and connective threads of the movie, which really explains a lot now that I'm an adult, because it really is touring between setpiece-to-setpiece on that film. No growth, no

The achilles heel of that movie is the leads and the budget. The latter perhaps can't be helped because pirate movies are always expensive, but Davies and Modine just do NOT work. Davies in particular doesn't have enough conviction to be a badass pirate queen. Her line reads are so awkward.

I go to bat for "Reality". Weird blend of space jazz and alt rock. If he'd ended things at "Disco King" it'd still be a strong ending, but thank God he had something like "Blackstar" in him.

Ghost Stories and Head Full of Dreams were my breaking points. I was like "Oh, I see. We're doing this now."

My all-time favorite band is Rush, but I admit I didn't get into them until post "Vapor Trails". And that's fortunate, because "Test For Echo" (their album before Neil Peart's hiatus) is SHIT. The songs literally sound half-written and the lyrics are pants-on-head poor (look up "Dog Years" sometime).

My Weezer hate album is Raditude. Holee shit does "Love is the Answer" set me off like no song before or since. I literally said out loud "What the fuck am I listening to?"

Let me take you on the journey: