
Say what you will about Blumhouse, but their emphasis on low budget has helped some more daring, experimental horror films come out, and it's really exciting to see. That's why I'm happy to see Jordan Peele doing this. One, I'm happy to see a pro like him succeeding in another genre. Two, comedy and horror have a lot

Ugh I know could Singer have cast more of a Chad as Iceman? He's what I liked to call "a squinty-eyed guy", an actor who mistakes intensity for squinting a lot. Just a big old nothing of a screen-presence who puts no emotion at stake.

He's even older than Jackman though so I doubt that's happening.

Dude's pushing 50 and has been playing this character for almost 20 years. He's getting out before he either can't do it anymore or wears out his welcome and I applaud it.

Let's be real: cameoing as himself would be way funnier than if he showed up as Wolverine.

Just throwing this out there: Bill Maher has his own equivalent of a pedophilia comment gone bad.

The animation in that movie is good, make no mistake. Meanwhile, how many effing films have we seen with Sinbad? Or Moses for that matter? Fresh animation couldn't change a worn-out story. Shrek, say what you will, was something new.

When it comes to the final Shrek movie, I'll always remember the words of Movie Bob: "Remember when these movies seemed like a breath of fresh air? Doesn't that seem like forever ago? Instead of just a decade?"

It was the SET-HIAYH's that gave me away, wasn't it?

Would it be hilarious if they called up Dougray Scott and gave him another shot?

Very Christian, yes definitely. But from what I've seen, he's very sincere about his faith and admits that it doesn't make him a perfect person. He's also apparently still friends with David Yost, who came out the closet years ago and mentioned that while he was abused by the crew for being gay, that didn't extend to

That's the real tragedy of Trump: he thought getting elected would get him respect. Joke's on him. Is there any person less respected than President of the United States?

- "What should I have said?"

They also have a lot of damn nerve having her pretend to be a high schooler in a pool of actors who are also in their late 20's and early 30's.

How PewDiePie has more followers than Markiplier I will never know. Mark is at least funny, charming, and humble. Every time I fire up a Pewd video it offends my soul somehow.

In short, he's a name-dropper. And name-dropping is bullshit. Quentin Tarantino taught me that.

Cuba said something similar, saying Will Smith essentially took all the good parts. While I don't doubt there's a small talent pool for black leading men in Hollywood, all I could think was "dude, nobody MADE you do Snow Dogs."

Simon Cowell is a pantomine villain. He was at least witty and likable, and at several points showed he wasn't such a bad guy. Piers comes off like a douche in a way you can tell it's genuine.

For all the fights he picks, you'd think he'd be better at it.

I don't even think he supports Trump genuinely (that would mean he's taken a stand on something for once in his life). He's just a pretentious bore who doesn't know what he's talking about. He needs to be ignored.