
It's interesting: Blue Diamond spent all of her screen-time crying and never raised her voice above a gentle brogue. And yet I found her absolutely terrifying. I think it was partly the imposing nature, the eerie music, and the fact you didn't know what the fuck she was gonna do when she started talking to Greg.

"Doctor Who" producers seem to have a tendency to overstay their welcome. Most of them if they had left two or three years earlier I think they'd be better regarded.

I'm happy to see I'm not the only one on board with Siddig. I've been saying this for ages and I'm happy to see it's picking up steam.

I turn 32 in two weeks. Screw what everyone else thinks. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, I get up and go to work. I'll do what I like. This weekend I'm gonna write a space rock album on my laptop, then watch cartoons and drink red wine with my girlfriend.

"You look at me now, and all you see is evil. Yet once, I was good…"

Agreed. I'm sad they're gone, but they'd lived long lives and went out peacefully. Prince? Yelchin? Michael? Carrie? They had so much more to do. I think that's what made their deaths and other deaths in 2016 sting so much.

People rightly praise John Hurt's performance in "Watership Down", but I'd like to give a shout-out to his performance in "Felidae", switching easily from friendly mentor to sinister evolutionary biologist. Just shows how effective Hurt was as an actor, using the presence of his voice to maximum effect.

It certainly didn't help the movie that Sam looked like a doughnut in a wig.

His voice was so distinctive he completely sold it as Aragon in the terrible LOTR Bakshi film.

"Wildest Dreams" by Iron Maiden. Ultimate hype song. "I GONNA ORGANIZE SOME CHANGES IN MY LIIIFE!!!"

If they didn't let him monologue so much the character would be tolerable but…it's 90's Denis Leary.

It also has one of the best pay-offs, when he leads Kimble to the squad car but takes off the handcuffs once they're inside.

Oddly, this character trait was best exemplified in US Marshals. He gets evidence that Snipes might be innocent, and they ask him what he's going to do. His answer? "Catch him." He's going to fulfill the terms of his position, but you can also tell he suspects more than he lets on and that catching the suspect and

How many people remember when Baldwin was a respectable actor and not a doughy self-parody?

I confess it's interesting to see him, Jones, and Wesley Snipes all collectively stop caring by the penultimate scene. "I'll think of something."

The hunt through the St. Patrick's Day parade particularly hit close to home. "If they can dye the river green today, why can't they dye it blue the other days of the year?"

Harrison Ford has one of my favorite instances of TV Tropes' Sarcastic Confession ever: he's cut his hair and shaved his beard so he's not recognizable as the shaggy Kimble (and, in turn, looks more like Harrison Ford). He steals some scrubs and a lab coat and begins walking out when the cops ask him idly if he's seen

- "Thurston! Why is Mr. Addams fencing with a rose in his teeth?"
- "I'm as baffled as you, Lovey. Must be a Yale man!"

God forbid they reboot the Flintstones, because they'd do an actual Rockalin joke in a heartbeat.

If nothing else they had genuine sexual chemistry, unlike other sitcom couples.