
I used to frequent the Comedy Shrine a lot, and during open mic night we saw this guy once (and exactly once, he never came back) called The Conservative Comedian. Dude wore an American flag wind-breaker and even looked a bit like Karl Rove. Guy completely bombed. It was all "punching down" humor. Even the owner

Name-dropping is bullshit. Quentin Tarantino taught me that.

I KNOW! Richie was the only prominent weakness of the show, but MAN what a weakness.

They were the one TV couple you could actually imagine conceiving a kid. You look at Richie and look at his parents and go "oh yea, totally."

Those capri pants! MMF!

I saw Carl Reiner demonstrate this when telling this same story and it's a lot gentler and funnier the way he shows it.

Even as a kid it always baffled me that Rob and Laura Petrie slept in separate beds, mostly because they were one of the few sitcom couples I remember who had genuine chemistry.

I'm sensing a general pattern with the mainline Resident Evil games: one game changer, followed by two similar sequels, re-invent the game, repeat.

I love how Stewart tried to open things up by reaching across the divide, and asked Paul Begala to say something nice about George Bush. Begala said "He'll be out of a job in a few months." Not only was he wrong in the end, but Stewart admonished him going "Even Tucker was willing to place nice!" And when you're a

"Warning" to me is their real masterpiece. That whole record is tight from beginning to end.

Meanwhile Hank the Third has no patience for people who falsely invoke his father and grandfather's legacies.

Something strange? I think context is important there, not for the times for but for Jon and the Daily Show audience. Lizz Winstead (the creator of the show) had criticized Jon for going light on Henry Kissinger and generally for allowing a lot of celebrities to shill books. On top of a rough few early years on the

THEM: You're a lot funnier on your own show.
JON: You're as much of a dick as you are on anyone's show.
THEM: I thought you were going to be funny today.
JON: I'm not your monkey, Tucker.

The dead silence in that room was an odd contrast to me watching it on my computer laughing my ass off at the audacity.

I saw "Team American" twice in the theater because of the in-theater reaction to "America Fuck Yeah!"

I pretty much can't listen to David Cross' "Shut Up You Fucking Baby" anymore for that exact reason. For one, all of his observations seem pat at this point. His follow-up "It's Not Funny" at least have actual jokes attached to it.

Granted they had more money than God thanks to record sales and touring revenue, but it was badass nonetheless. Others would toe-the-line ("Shut Up and Sing" showed they at least considered it). They stood up and shook their fists.

Trump's media presence engendered a unique reaction from me. All my friends are taking odds on when he's resign, get impeached, have a coronary, etc. Meanwhile I'm like "I wish no harm on him. I just want him to leave. I find him so insufferable I want all mention of him to cease immediately."

Kerry lost for the same reason Romney lost: their platform boiled down to "I'm not the other guy", and you can't run a campaign like that. You need a solid alternative. You need a plan.

I remember when the Republicans ran a weak candidate with Romney thinking "Huh, is this what it looks like on the other side?"