
Yes Lars and Sadie were going to "watch movies" (finger quotes)

That's what I found strangest. Believe it or not, I was fine with Randal never really having an arc in any "Clerks" media. He's not much of a character to begin with. He's more Dante's conscience than anything else. He'd probably be fine with his life wherever he ended up.

Especially since, if you use "Clerks 2" as a metaphor for Smith's film career at that point (and at this point you can't do anything but), the implication is he's now further back than he was before, and even then that simply wasn't true. "Jersey Girl" was a failure, yes, but it was hardly his Waterloo. If anything he

In hindsight, the real breaking point for Kevin Smith was "Clerks 2".

She doesn't even pretend otherwise about the lip-syncing anymore. You can almost see her hitting "play" on the MP3 player before walking out on stage.

Think the last bastion of rock at the VMA's was Dave Grohl accepting an award a few years back, and he looked like he SO did not want to be there.

Literally! That final scene was an homage to "Spirited Away", down to the tears.

This episode floored me. The gorgeous animation was expected, but not the content. We have obstensibly a kids show covering anxiety in the first half of the episode, and freaking survivor's guilt in the second half.

"Life Wasted". Seemed like the complete picture. Had a catchy hook but was produced in the raw, raucous way the newer material was.

I want to make it my goal to have a beer with Warwick Davis and shoot the shit with him about the "Leprechaun" movies, because you can see he's having the time of his life with every one of those. Especially the ones set in the hood.

The movie failed to me because it missed a LOT of important moments in W's presidency. It didn't cover the Florida recount, it didn't cover 9/11, and it didn't cover Hurricane Katrina. And what would Bush be without those three moments?

Will we finally have it? Will we have a Britney television venture WORSE than "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic"?

Wait Britney is releasing her new album on a Friday? What the crap?

I think you underestimate how low Lifetime is willing to go.

That would imply he had work in the first place.

Oh agreed. The Van Halen song completes the picture. I still defend that sketch because for all intents and purposes, it's a perfect beer commercial, just with the genders switched.

Not the time or the place dude.

True story: I was coming back from the movies with my brother and he was so damn sick of hearing "Citizen/Solider" before every flick we'd go see (which was every weekend then). We're driving back, he turns on the radio, and what else is playing but "Citizen/Solider". I swear he looked so pissed I'm amazed he didn't

I finally came around to most pop music with the notion of "Eh, it's harmless fun." Rock needs a similar resurgence. Big guitars, big drums, sing-a-long choruses, but it's fun and exciting and engaging. Doesn't have to reach 80's metal levels, but something that makes you glad to be alive y'know?

Some reason Pearl looks damn good in pants.