
STEVEN: "Wow! There's even books down here on the bottom shelf! But why are these Ayn Rand books on the free shelf?"
CONNIE: "Could be worse. They could be with the Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty books in the dumpster out back."

They'll be doing a Let's Play of Half-Life 3 soon.

Terrible as "Sonic '06" is, it was merely the logical conclusion of terrible game play choices Sonic Team had been making since the Adventure games. Fragmented story? Boring hub world? Tons of glitches? People are lying to themselves if they don't think those problems were present from the beginning in 3D Sonic games.

I put my money in with "Mega Man 4." It feels the most polished and realized of the original NES titles. Has creative weapons, unique bosses, cool environments, the works.

Here we go again.

- "That's monstrous! I've never heard of anything so negligent! I'll have no part of it!"
- "Can you recommend a doctor who will?"
- "…Yes!"

That's what made Marge's wedding video speech so poignant in the movie. Julie Kavner knocked that one out of the park. How hardcore would the movie have been if THAT'S when Homer and Marge finally split?

I think you're getting her confused with Lois Griffin. I'm positive Lois only stays with Peter because they fulfill each other's kinks.

I love how so many articles have tried to justify Depp's awful film output lately, then the allegations of spousal abuse came out and people are like "Never fucking mind. Screw it."

Hell Marvel's personification of Death is female! Doesn't get more operatic than that!

It would have helped Sardonyx not be so long-winded

It's not so much about growth as about intention. Your enjoyment of their music aside, most pop groups just want people to dance and have fun. It doesn't have much depth, but if it succeeds at that aim they've done their job.

Oh yea I remember "Gone." That was really good. "Celebrity" is actually a really tight album. "Girlfriend" is another good single. N'Sync had gotten things down to a science by then.

Friend we have Gucci dresses even God has never seen!

For he IS the Kwiszachziga-zig-ah!

Emma saw Richard E. Grant come on set and thought "I WILL kill him!!!"

Considering how many times she had leopard print outfits I'm surprised they didn't just give her a bone through her nose.

So, gotta be real:

I thought this with "Earthlings", but can we give a round of applause for Natasha Lyonne's performance as Smoky Quartz so far? I instantly fell in love with the character because she was so fun and awesome, now I see the pendulum can swing the other way with deep emotion and feeling. Aside from Garnet (who in fairness

"Someone paid me $8000 to wear this shirt! I didn't even need the money! I was just flattered someone still wanted me to wear their shirt."