
MB20's final album I take umbrage with rather than their debut, because it was just as overplayed but not as good. You could tell they didn't know what they were doing anymore. "Disco tracks and banjos and piano ballads, oh my!" It's the very picture of self-indulgence.

I vote, in the spirit of Meep Morp, we start sharing our embarassing art school stories. I'll go first:

Then 9/11 happened and people realized "Maybe things weren't so bad."

Fun experiment: count how many times Michael Jackson sings the word "girl" on an average album.

Yea Cornell also talked about a big reason Soundgarden broke up was they had a very "us against the world" attitude for the longest time. Then all of a sudden they have a platinum record and playing huge hockey arenas where everyone's there to love them. He kind of acknowledged it was dumb but he also said "Believe it

Chris Cornell talked about the Punk Rock Guilt after Soundgarden reformed. He noted all of his friends would still drive their shitty Buicks after they'd gotten a platinum record and thinking "Dude I know how much money you make! Knock it off!"

Oh I 100% noticed that. I was like "Oh, not cool Rebecca Sugar…"

i now have more questions than ever about Lion. Rose not only kept Lion a secret, but used him to keep secrets on top of secrets (her sword, the bubbled Bismuth, etc). We're going deeper down the rabbit hole here.

Dini's original origin in "Mad Love" had her studying psychology on a gymnastics scholarship. As for the shooting, I'd be surprised if you didn't gain SOME knowledge of weaponry hanging out with The Joker.

- "I barely know you."
- "…That's a good thing."

Even worse, he couldn't reason with Bismuth like he could with Lapis, Peridot, or even the Cluster. It was him or her. Not even Jasper has put him in that situation yet.

Well that was emotionally exhausting. I knew most of the twists in Seasons 1 and 2, but this was fresh. I'm just sitting here kind of stunned.

Then Jasper would be Joffrey?

Overalls with shorts. Lesbian Mario Brothers!

One relates there. I still have mine on my shelf with my copy of Killer7 in a place of honor.

I have Illustrator open as we speak. #SellMillions

I was wondering about all those Sheryl Crow CD's in her SUV. "She's edgy!"

Engagement with Holo-Pearl version 2.000001 will cause a brief tingling sensation, followed by death.

Insert Donald Trump joke here.

You can't just say how you feel! THAT MAKES ME FEEL ANGRY!