

- I love Italian (glares at Spock) And so do you.
- …Yes.

You'll notice he goes for the more formal "Commander" as opposed to "Number One."

Who the hell says Star Trek IV is shit?? It's no Wrath of Khan but MAN is it fun. "Double dumbass on you!"

Holy shit was the Voyager finale weak. You can tell they just threw in the towel by that point. Had nothing to do with the crew, how they'd gotten in that predicament, how far they'd come together, nothing. Came down to "fight Borg, get home, show over."

I love the creators of Korra talking about how they got the network to approve Korra and Asami. They were worried because a pairing like this had never been allowed…then they realized it hadn't been allowed because no one had tried. So they went to the network, calmly explained what they wanted to do, and it was

Both "Caress" and "Echo" have highlights to be certain ("Bastille Day" is a classic and I love "Driven"), but taken as a whole both albums are disparate, unmemorable, and contain a bunch of ideas that just don't work or go anywhere. Still, two mediocre albums amongst two dozen great ones isn't a bad average. Even when

I kind of like that the local teens like hanging out with Steven simply because he's so fun and positive to be around. Certainly beats the douchebags I grew up near.

So he would've been the Ron Weasley of the lot?

MARTY: Finding fresh ways to suck.

He went from shark to snake it seems, complete with new green motif.

Am I the only one who thought Jon Wurster's performance really really sounded like Weird Al? I thought it was a surprise guest spot at one point.

Or Greatest Hits of Eagles. I'm not sitting through all of their deep cuts. Screw that.

- I seriously bought the CD for "21st Century Breakdown" by Green Day, and you could tell it was the end of an era in more ways than one. I still like a lot of material on that album, but you can cut at least six songs from it. Don't get me started on "Unos, Dos, Tres."

See even then Coldplay wouldn't know his classic pre-Scary Monsters discs. They'd be going around to their friends asking "Whoa have you heard Tonight??"

See I'm the opposite: I don't have anything against their music but I hate Chris Martin. I think he's a twat.

Ugh God just looking at Chris Martin makes me want to smack him. It's like instinct. Is this how bullies felt about me in high school? "I don't know why but I want to beat that kid up."

Nah knowing Coldplay they'd rip off his more mediocre albums like "Never Let Me Down" or "Earthling."

Imagine being in the room when he said that.

Between Pence and the RNC, Trump's campaign suddenly got a lot more fun.