
Finally, all of Trump’s cabinet picks summarized in one post.

this is the worst thing i’ve heard all week. FUCK.

I want to fire Shawn Mendes and Lukas Graham and all of their whiny, faux-emotional bullshit lyrics into the sun. This is a correct list.


Really enjoying the tone that BOLTCUTTERS imparts to the header image.

“think about how Bella Hadid looks like Yolanda just told her she can’t borrow the car tonight”

oh my god thank you for this. i’m weeping.

It me.

“Human equivalent of cargo pants that zip away into shorts”

IC is fucking evil. Anyone else on this thread taking Elmiron? I didn’t think it was particularly helping until I stopped taking it for a while and started having pain again when I peed. It’s not a total solution, but it does make it manageable (for me).

I’m torn between white wine, champagne, and tequila. Maybe I’ll just throw them all into the NutriBullet with ice and a healthy serving of tears/Xanax/bleach!

I’ve never watched the results and I certainly don’t plan to start this year. I’m going to turn my phone off and watch horror movies at home, with my doggo and

The “people you may know” thing has also happened to me and it felt super disgusting. All set on never seeing that face again, thanks! Poor Grace.

This has totally broken my heart. Every generation probably feels this way, but kids are reaching levels of mean that I just can’t comprehend. Tormenting an 11-year-old BRAIN TUMOR SURVIVOR because of residual effects from fucking radiation treatment??? Her crooked smile was absolutely precious, and I hope her heaven

OMG. This is peak “can I speak to your manager?” hair.

Man, you are SO hilarious, here in the comments of an article about a serial rapist who was planning to kill women! Definitely keep doing that! You’re crushing it!

Why don’t you go back to Gizmodo where you came from, ya lil piece of shit? Bye!

Who hurt your feefees in the third grade and made you this way?

I think we both know the answer here.

I have many horrified feelings about this article and the content within, but my top 2:
1. Man, he’s really perfected the “terrifying rapist who clearly doesn’t think this is his fault” sneer
2. If I never, ever, E V E R HEAR THE TERM “ALPHA MALE” AGAIN IN MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE, it will be too soon.