It’s super easy to condemn violence out one side of your mouth while fanning the flames of racism through fearmongering and conspiracy theorizing against China.
It’s super easy to condemn violence out one side of your mouth while fanning the flames of racism through fearmongering and conspiracy theorizing against China.
1. That’s not how lances work. 2. That’s not how cover or concealment work. 3. That’s not how IG droids... You know what? I couldn’t suspend disbelief to watch this series. I love me some Samurai Jack but this stuff was just random.
Durge always felt so 90s XTREME!!!11!!! I realize he's post that period but that's always the vibe I got. I'm half-surprised there isn't a Liefeld picture of him somewhere with tons of pouches and misshapen feet.
If KK is punk, then “punk” has no meaning. And also is dead.
Why are some people so salty about this movie being the top earner of all time anyway?
I haven’t watched Avatar since it was first in the theaters, but if you gave me the option to watch it or nearly any other Marvel film, I’d choose Avatar. At the very least it has an exciting action set piece in the third act, something Marvel has been incapable of doing over the course of like twenty movies.
As first noted by sports blog Defector,
Honestly, there’s no way this can be explained away as just being stream-of-consciousness from someone who’s not legitimately antisemitic. I’m Jewish, and in 33 years I’ve never heard someone use the word (let alone call me it) except in movies or to specifically list it as a racial slur. And it’s not like it’s out…
I too enjoyed the Mandarin twist in IM3 but I’m also of the opinion that MCU/Star Wars fans are way too precious and could stand to be trolled a bit more by creators, so I’m not the best person to ask.
Wait, have you never seen Afro Samurai????
If you’re looking for something that’s very Dynasty Warriors right now — something that’s REALLY GOOD — try John Woo’s Red Cliff (about the battle known in the game as the Battle of Chibi). I’ve never seen a war movie that so well illustrated the art of tactics. It’s actually two movies, and I think there’s a…
So, we can agree to disagree on the fight scenes (frankly, that Obi-Wan/Maul bit after Qui-Gon gets got is possibly one of my favorite ever) — but at least in terms of dynamism of the movements; the ESB Luke/Vader fight in the carbon freezing chamber is iconic but still somewhat muted (it’s better than all of AOTC and…
the CONTENT had to connect with more CONTENT otherwise the audience may not CONSUME MORE CONTENT
I was so happy that it wasn’t some kind of “bigger fireball wins” copout.
Gotta admit, the SEC approving of anything doesn’t give me the slightest bit of confidence, these days.
Ehhhh, there were savage cannibalistic tribes in real life I don’t think that’s “deeply racist” when the movie isn’t positing the British are super superior
We have a dog named Jack, and I like to address him in Geoffrey Rush voice: “Jaaaaackkkk”
I disagree about the Pirates franchise small cultural imprint. For a 10 year period it felt like every display TV at Best Buy and Walmart played a Pirates movie on continuous loop.
I absolutely love the first three Pirates movies, and have watched them multiple times, especially since my 9 y.o. daughter loves them as well. Our most recent rewatch was just a couple weeks ago, and I’ll tell ya, they are just as fun and clever as they were the first time. Does the third one drag a bit? Yes, but I…