
You sound like a Dungeon Master. Is this where I role for initiative?

Anybody ever read the sequels to the The Sparrow and know if it’s any good? I was reluctant to pick it up after that ending but maybe I’ll try again.

That’ll be the one universe they cannot save.

He is also sick of these motherfucking snakes on his motherfucking plane.

I appreciate your comment, but it’s a little inaccurate. Dragon is not an escape pod, it’s a spaceship, which uses its thrusters for both landing (after returning from Mars or ISS for instance) and launch escape in case of a situation just like this recent one yesterday.

Interestingly, one of Musk’s twitter follower

Would have been cool if the twist of the movie was that an Imperial R1 astromech droid was an informant for the Rebellion.. R1, alias Rogue One.

Insincerity = douchebag. Pretty sure I stated that quite plainly.

Try her in The United States of Tara.

I think it was similar to the actor who played T-Bone in The Walking Dead being made fun of by fans pretending that T-Bone was such an integral and beloved character. They’re just doing it to be ironic hipster douchebags. All the paeans to Barb are insincere performance art.

They hold swords, but appear not to be using any sort of medieval sword combat techniques, but UFC punching and kicking instead. Lame.

I doubt Episode VIII’s title will be revealed until after Rogue One has been in theatres a few weeks. They don’t want to confuse the people who don’t understand Rogue One isn’t Episode VIII.

Yes, it goes:

Was Nick’s drugs suppose to be not-white? If his girlfriend was patient zero, was it the weird-colored drugs that did it?

Is there a name for those floaty, glowy geometric disks in Doctor Strange? I always imagined that’s how One Power weaves in The Wheel of Time book series would look like, but multiple colours depending on the type of element being weaved.

Yes, the elements common to life as we know it (and organic molecules in general), aside from the metals like iron, zinc, magnesium etc we need in lesser quantities.

Simply dismissing the habitable zone of Proxima as being too close for life is a bit absurd. The thermodynamics of a habitable zone is that it is habitable, ie. where liquid water can survive and not be lost to space. This depends on local conditions of the atmosphere too, but the real deciding factor on the question

Um no, Captain Marvel is not Alison Brie

Top picture looks like a great big tongue. Like an alien dog about to lick our planet. Alien dogs will lick anything.

I haven’t seen the last movie or read any of the comics. Are they suppose to be more like Guardians of the Galaxy crossed with Star Trek? Because that’s what i’d want, but exploring civilizations in other dimensions and distant planets and fighting cosmic beings, not Earth villains. Screw Dr. Doom.

Those selling self-driving cars ought to take note; selling on the basis of being able to read or watch videos or do work while your car takes you to your destination might not be successful if it leads to many more people feeling motion sickness.