
Pretty tired of these pseudo stealth fighter jet car designs with all these hard lines and rigid intakes. Do the designers not have the foresight to understand that this stuff will look extremely dated in 20 years? Isn’t it obvious? It really isn’t that hard to figure out how to make something look at least

I drove a Subaru Forester during the holiday season last year while I was visiting family. I think it takes the cake as being the worst driving experience I’ve ever had. Everything about that car is miserable.

doesn’t sound anything like a rotary tbh

I’d buy a coupe version of this in a heartbeat. I love everything about this car besides the convertible aspect.

RX8.. which is why I drive one. On paper the car looks like a huge turd, 237 hp for 18 mpg on premium gas with an “unreliable” engine that needs oil topoffs. Which is why it has the reputation of a masochist hipster’s car.

So rotary engined cars are the only ones that use catalytic converters? Wtf are you even talking about?

Wrong wrong wrong. Awful engine? Worth every penny of 93 octane my friend. Rotary engines aren’t market viable for 2 main reasons=

Title of thread + picture of rotary = rage.

I really love this color, but the rest of the car is trash.

I think it’s fair to say parallel parking isn’t nearly as important as other driving skills, but to say it shouldn’t be on the test is ludicrous. The test just needs to be harder IMO with a bigger focus on other things. It’s strange that parallel parking is the “penultimate” part of most road tests to get your license

The taxpayer pays the salary of these moronic agencies to do frivolous things, and the taxpayer foots the bill that will result from the settlement. It’s a lose-lose situation. Please vote & vote informed, (probably always vote independent) because it’s the only way to save this sinking ship of a country. Sorry for

I’ve had no problems yet and my RX-8 is still under warranty for a long time (Poor carmax has no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into). The only thing that costs lots of money compared to my old car is gas mileage. Thus I kinda want to get a Mazda 3 hatch or something similar as a commuter (still manual ofc), but

Rotary engines being for lunatics is the opinion of the uninitiated. Once you join the church of wankel you never leave. Haters just haven’t experienced the triangle magic themselves.

Not too long ago, cars routinely consumed enough oil that you probably had a can of the stuff in the trunk or some underhood hidey-hole, and checking the level every time you filled up with gas

Rotary powered FT-1 please and then I’ll find this okay. Or if Toyota just gives them a fat stack of money to research new wankel technology.

I sense some of these countries may have been playing Wargame: Red Dragon

I adore this car but it’s no RX-8! (which I’m surprised is seldom mentioned in comparisons)

1. night drive listening to 80s new retro wave pretending to be ryan gosling

idiot + idiot = crash

From a pure kills to losses standpoint the Ferdinand/Elefant is the most successful. It’s certainly possible the Jagdpanther or Hetzer were more cost effective. On top of its respectable combat performance, in Kursk, (the major action that the Ferdinand saw) it was employed as an offensive weapon to great effect where