
A number of people are asking for translations, so I shall do my best. My training: I grew up in a Pentecostal home and several families members to this day speak like this.

The people questing what we did in such negative ways are doing so because they are not christians. Christians are never negative and would never

Bottom left is serving some serious face.

The "Have a Wonderful day!" part really adds a nice touch to the casual misogyny.

Found on Twitter... (the mis-use of "betrothed" is really bothering me but the rest is spot-on)

"Girl Yo Dirty ass Coulda went to them people Wedding" just about sums everything up.

If you don't think Atlanta is a hub, you've evidently never flown on Delta in the Eastern United States.

If you have a cat carrier, Jackie Chan asks to take pictures with you.

I love cider and don't know why there's an element of shame to drinking it! If I get one at the beer-snob bar, I get side eye. What IS that?!? No more cider-shaming! By the way, try Strongbow. It's not as sweet, and it's fabulous.

This makes me clutch my breasts in sympathy. No...just no. You will not enjoy jogging on a beach in a DD bikini that does not fit. Who would do that? A masochist?

The text on the website is so beautiful in it's poor translation.

So true. I hear you.

Well, if you bring that monster to Coachella they will brandish a pair of INSANELY LARGE SHEARS and cut it down to size. Beach towel sizes will be measured in number of Manic Pixie Dream Girls that can sit on the beach towel. If your beach towel can fit 4-6 MPDG's (wearing headdresses) IT'S TOO DAMN BIG.

In Coachella's defense, I firmly believe that anyone who walks up anywhere (that isn't a stage on which they are set to perform) with drums should be immediately beaten like a pinata.

There are now officially two things on this planet that make me feel broody. Little kids wearing so much ski gear they look like the Michelin Man and can only move by waddling, and this picture.

I guess I don't travel that much, I'd say I take RT flights 12-15 times a year, but I haven't really seen things get too terribly worse. I have a few "rules" I try for the post part to stick with, which tend to help me with travel stress.

Yeah, I think a lot of people just look for any excuse to complain. The media has constantly fed us narratives of "airport/airline hell!" so that's what people look for when they travel. Things might happen but overall, there is a high probability that you'll have a very uneventful journey.

People need to, well, they need to learn not everything in life will go your way. I just don't have unpleasant experiences at airports because I can't control what's happening so why stress over it? Bring a good book, listen to music, it's really not the end of the world.

I'm sure a lot of these "Treat Women with Respect" rules will be made fun of but as a current female UGA student, knowing that a coach is willing to flat out say "no means no" and "you dont own your girlfriend" in the team guidelines is really refreshing and needs to be said more often in other schools' and teams'

I know this is a very serious issue but I hear "kitten monsoon" and all I can think is YEESSSSS RAIN DOWN ON ME, KITTENS