
“Pfft. Amateur.”

Um. You saw who won the election, right?

I don’t like Assange, but I’m not sure “irrelevant” is the right word for him. Hillary’s emails never stopped being in the news because of his steady trickle of mostly non-content.

I’m going to make that guy spend time with my mother, a woman who could pick a fight in an empty room.

Aw buddy, think you missed your off-ramp to breitbart. They’ll totally agree with you over there.

How about the fact that his Instagram is called PRINCESTAGRAM?!

“Get off the stage!” One thing about Prince that people like Kim and Kanye ...well, less specifically, reality TV-types & clownstick magoo motherfuckers wouldn’t understand is that his pimp hand was strong. So strong. Let’s get the sound guys a copy of that Prince soundbite ~ That needs to be on deck quick the next

I love how completely thrilled Dhani Harrison is during that performance.

I can’t function today. I was like 9...I was in love with him.

If I ever catch 2016 out in the real world, I’m gonna beat it to fucking death.

If it is Prince, shouldn’t we all be considered next of kin? WHY WON’T THEY TELL US?

Nah, you’re right, it’s her fault she was told this guy was her contact, and he acted completely unprofessionally towards her and then retaliated against her when she rebuffed his advances. I’m glad all you MRA bros found the REAL culprit in this story. Good work, Hardly Boy.

In the world of college sports where unpunished sexual assault and sexual harassment seems to be the norm, I’m so glad that UC Berkeley seemed to do things completely right on this one.

1. I didn’t write off an entire group of people, I definitely limited my statement to my actual decade plus of experience.

For a follow-up study, I’d be curious to know how people do when they routinely get 4-6 hours of sleep during the week, but then catch up by sleeping 8-10 on the weekend.

“And really I’m not saying he’s evil or a monster. In fact I don’t think Hitler was.”

Thanks. :) We actually really want to mix it up - find some people who do different kinds of work, who obviously would use different tools. Like, not everyone uses iPhones and Macbook Airs, even if it might seem that way when you hang out in media circles, you know? Anyway, much appreciated, and thanks for that!

As someone who has denounced his Christianity — I still have a faith and belief in God, but fuck me if I’m gonna be lumped in with the intolerant anti-gay bible-thumping zealots — this was a powerful reminder of the good that religion does have, the way it can deeply heal and help persevere at our darkest times. The

“I also can’t ignore that Lori had already said no to David once, and had every reason to think it’d be safe to do so again.” <— Bingo.

I love this. I know it’s not kosher to judge other people for how they choose to live their lives, and it’s not great to have women knocking other women down, but damn. It’s refreshing to hear such celebration of non-standard beauty. And there is such a tremendous pressure to look pretty for others, to be in the

Now playing

McNewbie1: with all due respect, spacestationspaz ... I had no idea you had gotten experimental surgery to have your balls removed ...