Bear Down for Midterms

To be honest, I think what they did here is odious. If they keep protesting on friday nights, I bet they’ll take a lot of shit for it back in class and grow to really hate Mondays. If I were a student there I would think they should flush their protest right down the Jon. I’m sick and tired of the division in this

“Like I told Zeke this morning, don’t worry about any of this, they don’t make batteries domestically anymore”

- Emmitt Smith


I’m crying on the toilet, and I didn’t even have Chipotle yesterday.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

I think you're mistaken; that was Shane Lechler. Common mistake.

George Lucas didn’t ruin my childhood.

Germans have a weird affinity for red and black color schemes.

This is literally the one ostensibly good thing about the Olympics, the thin veneer of international cooperation and friendship, and these assholes hate the Jews too much to even pay lip service to that.

“Aww, shoot.”

“Typical. A little late tackling the O-ring problem.”

I highly encourage everyone to watch the gif on a loop while listening to this song. Gold!

Just wish Michael had turned on his brother mid-interview, made mention of his conspicuous lack of rings, and say that’s why Mom named you Martellus and not Marshowus

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

Why not both?

+1 rubber duckie

“Or five times.”

What about those of us that aren’t LGBTQ or Euro?