South of Heaven

Okay, Dwayne has earned himself a month's reprieve from endless "third best wrestling actor behind Bautista & Cena" comments.

The best thing about Barbie is that it’s a movie that’s totally, gloriously unafraid to make adults feel like kids (without being a “kid’s movie”).

Did she get in a fight?

Yeah, genital inspections in the shower is definitely something that doesn’t sound like it has a sexual component at all.

This online debate is nauseating!!! 

Kanye West, apparently.

I'm seeing Barbie first because my kid is going, and my parents are picking her up between movies.

Thursday night, 4:20 Barbie, 6:45 Oppenheimer, can't fucking wait!!!

Good thing we don’t live in a country where literally anyone, including a small woman, could be holding a gun.

But you see, he’s a man, and she’s a woman, and this is Jezebel, so, y’know.

Dolly would be the best answer, but I’m betting it’s Mariah Carey or something (which would also be fine)

What a nerd. My wife looked hot as hell when we went to see The Cure last week & I hope every person we walked by noticed.

No no no, you see, you can’t discriminate based on a person’s sky ghost of choice, just on how they live their lives in actual reality.

Super weird how all the right-wingers screaming about “aCtIvIsT jUdGeS” a couple years ago have all shut the fuck up, huh?

sO uNaPpEaLiNg

China is begging its citizens to get educated and help with their science & tech advances. And we make it look at unappealing as humanly possible to go to college.

How dare you?! Go get an abortion, right now!!!

“I’m a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion. But guess what? Roe v. Wade got it right.”

The least surprising revelation of all time, and all these people still chose to work with him.

I disagree. DeSantis isn’t a known enough quantity to make me think people would come out to vote for Sleepy Joe. The memory of Trump will energize the left to prevent that from happening again.