
@Cromwell: That is very cool. Doing something nice for nice people is very gratifying. Most "old" folks like my mom and dad use the internet just to keep connected to family and friends thru email and Facebook. Good man, may the cookies be outstanding!

Great article. Having issues myself with someone I houseshare with that doesn't like to pay their fair share of household expenses. She bought a laptop a couple of days ago, told her congrats and get a hold of our other roommate to so they can figure out to continue to share thier DSL wirelessly instead of wired. My

@Almightywhacko: Where are you at? I'm in Central California right next to a cell tower (!) and average between 4-5 Mb/s down on the EVO and 1Mb/s up. I'm happy with my EVO and so happy with my Mifi 3G card that I refused to upgrade to the Overdrive even though I can. Sprint has been great but not that impressed with

@patranus: You've got to be kidding. Just because this doesn't fit into your version of "Science (fiction)" to say it's a waste is very, very offensive. The amount of study, research, money, seemingly small discoveries made etc, will ALWAYS seem meaningless to the small minded. What a joke, except it is not funny and

@thehouserules: You might be right, but I work in a 4G area and whenever I go outside I immediately get more 4G "arch bars", one to two at my desk, 3 full ones when I leave.. seems kinda redundant though since the bars that are beside it are supposed to represent signal strength also. If anyone figures it out let us

@Liam Kinkaid: Not going to lie or get mad, it is so true. I went to the SF Giants parade, but I took public transit so I had no car charger. Fully charged at 6:30am when I got on Caltrains, damn near dead at 11:30. Granted I was playing with it a lot but that sucked. brought a duracell portable battery charger which

@Bizdady: Thats only one bar of 4G amigo;-) Not flaming you, I'm a proud owner of what I still think is the best andriod phone damn near 6 MONTHS after bring introduced..

@Neopolis: Exactly.. Every modern (2.1 and above) android phone is a desendant of the N1. Google is very smart, very savy. The N1 and now the N2 aren't to be judged by volume. They are pushing the platform ahead, showing us and the world what is capable on android.

@iDon't even: Interesting question, though I don't want it to happen of course. It hinges on SJ of course. He is a visionary and he is Apple. After him, who know. Had the issues with the antenna happened and SJ wasn't there to meet it head on as CEO that would have been a huge disaster, more than it already was made

@Gundem: Starting to feel that way, T-Mobile G1 to BB Tour to EVO for me.. love android but the lack of quality apps on android and other platforms is appaling. Android apps should be closer by now but aren't. Apple has the perfect platform for developers to make money, bottom line. I will miss all that android does

@TinaCoon: I'm with ya, a Gremlin X that everybody loved but me, and a Vega too. My dad just didn't get it. He helped me get into a Orange 72 Nova with black racing stripes and mag wheels so I forgave him. Paid him back within 6 months..

@Mex: WOW THIS IS THE DUMBEST THING I'VE EVER READ. How many Grammies do you have? American Music Awards? MTV Awards? How much money have you made beatboxing? 5 dollars?

@zenpoet: Not very Zen, Not very Poetic, weird. ass-hat maybe, zenpoet not really.

@Serolf Divad:+1.. Love the Lotus sub, one of the most memorable cars of my young life. Love anything/everything Hitchhiker's Guide..

@certifiedfryguy: Can't disagree with you but what issue are you having with the Evo? I think HTC makes a fine handset and I think the Evo is the best of the lot, but the iPhone construction and design (if you disregard the antenna issue) is second to none. I think my Evo is handsome and well built but if andriod was

Bob Dylan is also an aging rocker, as are U2. The Boss is in his 5o's too. People say crazy shit all the time, clowning a guy who has made good music and done good things is lame Gizmodo. Plus it seems as if to get noticed you NEED to say crazy shit

@gyronic: Sucks for you, the guy is awesome.

@Yeah!: Please nobody say they don't get it..