
@YourStarDoesNotMakeYouRight: I think the iPhone was a reach, even for Apple and it's fans. Had they released a clamshell phone like a Moto Razor with a music player I would agree with you, it would have been a me too product but the iPhone was revolutionary, continues to lead the pack even though android seems to be

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: honestly the "batterey life" issue is over rated, other than a late night out without a charger does it ever become a concern. Everyone has a phone charger in the car, at the desk at work and at home. The iPhone has it down perfectly, seems to last a while. My EVO I wish was better but I would not go

@atrus123: I feel the same way, curious and hopeful for WM7 but I probably won't leave android. Like Apple and the iOS, Google won't ever abandon or ignore Android. I don't trust MS in so far as there seems to be a lot of infighting, the WM7 crew can be replaced by the WM8 crew and an entirely new OS judging them by

@abates25: Storm had issues but it was a good device, had a ton of promise. Verizon sold a lot of them. BB 5.0 was wonky out of the gate and again BB likes to stick these underpowered processors in the devices, crazy.

@Denver: They (corporate anyway) are more than budging, especially on the iPhone. I'm an android guy but I have to admit the amount of buzz at meetings over the iPhone, the requests to move to iPhones and my friends that all (including myself) had company issued blackberries and over the past 2 years seeing them

@ru486: I wish being an idiot was a good enough reason but it's not. I get what you are saying but plain and simple he kicked his ass for no good reason. Clocked him good, took him like 5 seconds between the order to put the phone down and putting his foot in his ass.

@Killjoy: Thats's why we call them one time, you only look at the one time then move on. Sad, but don't judge them all because of this asshole. I've been helped more than harrassed by the cops, back when I "fit the description" anyway.

@Derek Chan: Rooting isn't always the answer. Most people don't buy a phone to jailbreak or root on the jump off. I have no numbers to support that but I do have common sense and it tells me anyone who buys a 1.6 device for 129.99 so they can root it when another $70 get you the iphone4 or Captivate is a moron with to

@Graviton1066: That's original. No DP, no Kayne, I'm guessing no sex either. Call me, let's get you wasted, laid and get you some f'ing music with a beat

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Yeah, murdered it all the way to a fucking Grammy. Oh, and DP performed with him at the Grammys, very very rare for them. So they must like/respect/admire Kanye no matter what anyone thinks. Sorry, tired of the sorry ass Kanye bashing. Idiot and tortured soul the man has a shit load of talent and

@dallasmay: Not flaming you but that is no longer the case, kids/teenages/young adults are leaving MySpace in droves.. FB is killing MySpace. All my ghetto friends are on FB too now, cussing and carrying on, used to be they stuck to MySpace only. Now my friends list looks like a Oakland Burger King

@talkingstove: +1. California Swag District – Teach Me How To Dougie

@blehbleh13: How many of those sales are actually kids and not some almost middle age gangsta? Just sayin..

@daftrok: No flame bro but you are high if you think T-Mo has better 3G coverage than ATT, pass that dutchie.

@abates25: Apples and oranges comparison, no pun intented. You and I can "research" on the internet for day/weeks reading reviews (I'm doing it now for a DSLR) and on occasion actually get a test drive of said unit. CS, CNET, GIZ, alot of these other folks get to test these units for a long time. I'm not flaming you,

@Jared Blashinsky: Bro, the internet is no place to start making sense. Take that shit outside, yo..

@Odin: Gonna play devil's advocate here.. Are there alot of inside jokes/insults we just don't get? I rarely "look" for it, I think race based humor can be funny and liberating, just got to be level headed enough to deal with it, and that can be hard to do ask Dave Chappelle. I'm brown (not that it matters), and no, I

@charlesfro: I wanna know did he get his iPhone4 from Walgreens like his sister told him to?