
@Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets: If Google could work it out with Napster (14.95 a month but no free downloads like Zune) that would be awesome. Napsters catalog is fantastic, on par with iTunes 99% of the time. What isn't you can still buy from them, just not subscribe. Very underrated Napster is I think.

@FartyMcPooPants: Yup, totally agree. I loved this game as a kid. Admob, who is owned buy Google even put out a report that iPhone/iPod users buy much more apps. They (devs) make money so they continue to make great apps for the platform. I'm on my second android device, sadly the apps aren't much better than when I

@Quasigizmodo: I don't get it either. They smack ATT and the iPhone all the time, and put down some serious money into advertising the Droid line. They are married to Droid. If the CDMA iPhone rumors are true, maybe it's Sprint. Just guessing.

@Stevox: Hopefully it will work out better for the iPhone..

Yes,Yes,Yes..True,True,True.. Bottom line is I see alot of comments in the market that "this app needs to be better, more like the iPhone version". If you aren't making the developers money, if you aren't protecting them, the market will suffer due to the lack of apps and quality of apps. I can't help but feel a

@FriarNurgle: In all fairness they are the ones that have to sell it to the unwashed and uneducated. Problems lie when we continue to tout the marketing, and let a good product go stale. So many examples of this (cars, cellphones, computers, video games, etc..) when you think about it, makes me crazy. In my perfect

@UltimateIdiot -This is Human Nature: +1. What really scares me is the head-in-the-sand nature of "fans".. If my BMW M3 has issues I still love my car, I just want it to get fixed, especially if its under warranty. iPhone is a nice phone, just fix it, don't hide or explain away the damn flaws...

@the-resonator: While I'm no longer an At&T customer I must admit I had no problem with the network I thought it was outstanding, but again I didnt have an iPhone either, just a Tilt and a Blackberry Bold. This stainless steel band they are using improves the reception of the iPhone, not the network. Just sayin

@OCEntertainment: Very true.. I gave my daughter my old G1, and everyone now asks her about her new "Droid" phone. My EVO is now considered by those same 1o yr old mf'ers a new Sprint version "Droid" phone. What REALLY makes me mad is when I ask for Mr. Pibb at the local pizza joint and they give me Dr. Pepper!! They

@travisco_nabisco: Perfect, well said. I've read what seems like a million posts/blogs and flame wars and you said it all without malice. Kudos.

@dirtlamb5: I want that!! Do you have Android peeing on an iPhone too??

@tomsomething: You make a great case to make stuff deadly, stupid people will off themselves. Cause you know the second I drop the laser after burning my eyes out you will pick it up and do the same thing wondering what happened to your bro!

@James Molinaro: Nothing special about battery life..I was hoping for better than average but it is average at best. Still enjoy the phone but on a long Saturday night out how am I going to feel if/when it dies? Granted if you are out and enjoying yourself you probably aren't using the phone that much. I hope Froyo

@2matrix: Well said.. I have a business also and understand your points. Funny thing is I remember the argument against the iPhone used to be " I don't have time to fuck around, give me a Blackberry or WM.." I love Android (I have an EVO) but let's give credit where credit is due, without the iPhone as the lead dog