
Zoe Redcape: The Story of a Girl and the Killer Death Machine That Loved Her.

Best kids movie ever.

Everyone loves Richard Castle gifs.

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This is my favorite. It suggests such drama

I understand you are entitled to your opinion, but honestly calling people idiots for enjoying a movie you were not fond of just makes you sound like a blabbering troll with an IQ of 10. Just saying.

Dude so can we like smoke pot while smoking pot in the game? That's like POTCEPTION MAAAAAAN!

Sorry, but there is nothing wrong with PS4.

This would be a AWESOME DLC for Gotham City Imposters

Anything about a race, whether bad or good, people blow it WAY out of proportion.. This was funny, but didn't have to make a post about it... We need to get over such silly things.. Its 2013, get with the times..

Why do PC gamers feel the need to justify their gaming habits and/or convert other people to PC gaming? It's not that I disagree with what you said, I may go PC for this generation if I don't get a PS4 (definitely not XBOX One). It's just that I see the same kind of comment in every console-related article but I don't

Lol. Yes, except PC's don't get some of the best exclusives out there, aren't as convenient, don't favor getting a bunch of people together in the living room to play games together, don't allow you to lend games or bring them over a friends and are ultimately less convenient in every way. PCs and consoles are two

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Heh. Suddenly remembered this all of a sudden. Them moments in live presentations.

My troll finding senses are tingling !!!!

It is.

Karma simply means cause and effect, it's not some force that judges like the west seems to think..

That's funny, because most TV hosts are rich, rich, rich and divorceable.