some dude

honestly, i think one of the other posters was spot on mentioning it making sense for municipal transit uses; fixed and predictable distances and routes, with a set “base”.  just because it’s not really well suited to the general public doesn’t mean it’s completely without use.

makes me wonder if it was REALLY safety issues that he vetoed it for? or was it just him being spiteful?

required, no, though a fair number of the european stuff (MB, BMW & Volvo) ARE so equipped. makes it pretty obvious when they’re driving with their fogs on in normal conditions, too.

Too many ppl assume they are immune to physics.

have a 97 accord that’s been passed around the other half’s family since new...242k and counting; the AC is out, but otherwise, it’s solid.

so while we differ a bit on the “why”, we’re in agreement that it never left its infancy.

IMO, the argument of hydrogen being in its infancy isn’t BS; while may be an older technology, i think the problem is it never LEFT its infancy.

edit: well that didn't work...

few options for a manual mazda6, under 15k, and reasonably recent.

agreed with Forkish below me...easy NP. solid runner for probably minimal work. on another note, that dealer has some interesting stuff...asking $12k for that bug next to it, but they also have a CJ3B for $4k...(someone show David Tracy?)

i wouldn’t be surprised if “reinforced with rebar” is the reality, taking media reports with a grain of salt.

one of the news outlets said poured concrete, vs cinderblocks for the wall the truck came through.

went to school with a “Bang Her” and a “Phat Ho”, other half went to college with a girl named “Anita Lay”, and in looking for a new accountant, stumbled across a CPA named “Ho Suk Gang”.

so would this with an engine swap, plus a turbo from a powerstroke...a few (dozen) other parts to make it some semblance of roadworthy...

it could be a tribue to Roadkill’s “Rotsun”!

with several companies using the technology. Ford has been combing these GPS-enabled lights with steerable headlamps that...

this need more stars. they’ve got the parts in the bins to do it too, minus a bit of suspension tuning:

this. that’s how i had to start my credit too, as even capital one turned me down for an unsecured “due to lack of credit history”...yet they handed my ex one when she was unemployed.

less than 3k miles on it, even.  could probably strip off the rail parts and the crane and cover what the thing cost and have a blank canvas for other things.

I would turn off traction and stability control, but strangely neither my car or truck have them, and the truck barely had abs..none such on the car. The car needs a clutch, so it's dormant. The truck very predictably tries to slide the back end around every corner in the rain, even at 15mph and even throttle...