
i have this one... by Penny Arcade

i never used component cables with either my ps2 or xbox... s-video or composite was always available since the start... no those cables didnt come with the console... but hdmi cables dont come with ps3's these days either... so....

yeah i think it was one of my favorites too... (well and the short lived 4th dimensional sword.. i mean... come on... Dimethyltryptamine shout out in that episode... epic.)

i never said it wasnt iconic OR cool! just informing the uninformed of the swords history.

just throwing this out there... but that sword no longer exists in the Adventure Time Ooo (world)

wow i ALWAYS thought of it as a gameplay mechanic of hand eye coordination... its always felt like something that i have to do... so i think about my surroundings and other gameplay that i have to manuever in order to press a button and let go of the joystiq. (did that make sense... like i dont play an FPS and think i

god damn it... first The Passion of Christ... now this... thanks a lot!

well damn glad im not the only guy who loves awesome smelling stuff like this. (anything vanilla'y is my thing)

oh man imagine the influx of AVGN wannabes with this feature. (although it might be cool to start my own channel for reviews and stuff since its actually something ive always wanted to do... not avgn style... but still crass humorish style.)

really? i know its a 3rd party PC controller but when has a PC game ever used triangle, circle, X, Square... R1, R2, L1, L2, commands on screen? i looked.. i really cant find any. (and everything in this demo shows PS3 controls)


the age old answer. you have a ps3 just play games on that. honestly im all for transferring and backwards compatibility... but thinking about it... like really thinking... ive played like a total of 2 or 3 PS2 games since i got the ps3 (my 60gb died... but im still rocking a mgs4 80gb along with my 120gb slim) even

Now playing

actually it looks nothing like this right now for PS3... its remarkably faster framerate.. not sure why they showed this footage (only available trailer-tailored footage)

im assuming they are including complete legacy disc backwards compatibility because they HAVENT ACTUALLY SAID. stop assuming.


WAIT... how is Bacchus from Star Ocean not on that list... hes at least 2x more insane than nathan spencer...

there is no hidden agenda... i think its very blatant that the reason people are hating on it is because cryteks over confidence in a mediocre pretty-game with their constant screaming that they have "the bestest looking game that cranks out 1 thousand percent of console juice thats ever been made for any console, pc,

once demonoid disappeared everyone flocked to tpb.. i too thought it wasnt being used since tthe 2008's but its a pretty good place to get 0-day tv shoows and comics so i hear.

city of heroes also had to put restrictions on how you could make your characters because copyright... and almost every character they showed here was a rip off... can they actually get away with it?

The TTGL image is intentional.. it was done with guest director for that episode (episode 4)... Osamu Kobayashi... yes the art style was junk imo... but it was the style of the whole episode and it was just the art direction... and also a cause for controversy over what the producer, Takami Akai, said in regards to