
It would look sweet though.

I think Michael, you, and literally everyone sending bottled water are missing the incredibly obvious here.

It may sound like a paradox, but if you enjoy driving, you should support initiatives and concepts that take cars off the road (like transit and strong towns), instead of initiatives and concepts proven to add cars to the road (like highway expansion and parking).

You know what, jackass, you come here in NYC, live here for a little bit, get to know what the real estate looks like with your own two eyes and realize just how big this city is — and I’m not just talking about Manhattan here — and then talk your nonsense bullshit all the way from fucking Finland. Asshole.

“average middle class person”

Legit question, Do you take a steak into Texas Roadhouse and ask them to cook it for you?

This is how I actually feel about this.

Can you come by and push my clutch in every morning? It’ll just take a second.

If only there were a way to get around in NYC that didn’t involve cars. Someone should invent something that transports the public - I’ll call it General Movement or Public Transportation or Popular Conveyance something?

And then you won’t be able to grab an uber on a busy night, just like a taxi!

He wasn’t too drunk to MANUALLY ENTER THE MULTIPLIER in the app to confirm his ride. Fuck that guy. Uber is guilty of some horrible anti-labor shit but I have no sympathy for these idiots who can’t do math.

Also, don’t buy bicycles, roller skates, sleds, ATV’s, motorcycles, automobiles, airplanes, go carts, boats, jet skis.

“white performative liberal tendencies”—This isn’t SJW bingo— the words you string together actually have to *mean* something when you put them in a sentence.

When Nidal shot up Ft. Hood, liberal media shouted down those who called it radical Islamic terrorism. They were insistent on the “workplace shooting” narrative, going so far as to concoct a medical history of the killer where he was oppressed and psychologically traumatized because of his ethnicity and religion. They

Heh. This is the zeitgeist of the British business 80s and 90s.

Women can’t do anything wrong anymore, remember? He was probably WHITE as well! [/sarcasm]

The airplane itself is probably not a super-stunning breakthrough, after all, the laws of physics haven’t changed since the Concorde was designed. The breakthrough is the business-case: there are now enough people wealthy enough to afford a $100+ million private jet.

People stop bitching about new cars that are not another boring cross over. Better yet go buy one! I may order one for the wife when they take orders she wants a Miata which I refuse to buy her for philosophical reasons.

Watch the video again, and read the article. Officer Stacy was exiting his patrol car with the intent to lay down spike strips (note how he doesn’t have his weapon as he exits). As soon as he stepped out, he realized that Ms Bunsey was headed at him, and spike strips weren’t going to happen. He also realized that