
It’s a Land Rover. That may be more difficult that you think.

By that logic, freedom of the press should only apply to people who publish old timey broadsheets on physical paper. This is the type of discussion that doesn’t help the issue - just straight up say you want to ban all guns and leave it at that. It’s more intellectually honest.

Introducing the redesigned Prius in Las Vegas makes perfect sense, for several reasons:

Want the simplest,easiest to rectify reason for almost any incident on the roadways? At night your eyes tend to dilate to take in the most available ambient light. Look at any modern vehicles dash setup and what do you see? Light emitting screens all over the place,plus those added on by the owner. What does the human

Speed doesn't kill, but the differential between speeds does.

I’m usually the first to start complaining when people start posting Panthers for the wrong reasons. However, I do not think that it is misplaced here. It’s extremely comfortable on the highway, gets surprisingly good gas mileage for what it is (I’ve seen mid-high 20s on the highway), has a trunk you could live in, is

His Batmobile broke down with engine trouble, and when he got out to inspect the car, it was struck by a Toyota Camry, and then his own car hit him.

I went to the page and I could not find the Crossover option for the Miata anywhere...

I hate the jellybean styling but damn if the Mirage doesn’t appeal to my 90s econobox sensibilities. Hell yes race the crap out of them, I want to see these skittering around a track as though I dumped Skittles into a frisbee and swirled it around.

No, they claimed to go after the 5 series.

Because only American kids can be spoiled, or something

Step 1. Drink beer.

I bet the engine was running too. Also a bad idea.

You don’t drive manual, do you? I mean I can understand a few whole car lengths, but a car length or so is not that unreasonable.

2750lbs with Civic Type R motor.

What does an alternator have to do with any of this?


It doesn’t matter if the guy is going 67, or 57, or 107. The left lane is for passing. You complete your pass and get back in the middle. It’s not that hard. It’s not there for people to cruise at 2mph higher than the speed limit and inhibiting people that want to pass, causing those people to pass more dangerously.