
The majority of drivers will not go faster than what they feel is comfortable and safe regardless of the speed limit. For example, an 18-month study following an increase in the speed limit along the New York Thruway from 55 to 65 mph, determined that the average speed of traffic, 68 mph, remained the same. Even a

That Firebird is the automobile version of a chain letter. “If you do not forward this Pontiac within 14 days, great misfortune will fall upon you. Yes, even greater than if you kept it as a daily driver. Mr. Don ‘The Douche’ Trumbull of Clearwater, FL sold this car at a $50 loss after failing to get it to pass

Dear Ralph Gilles,


lets drive over a low water crossing during a storm, when everyone is reporting flooding, when its been raining for the last month, and the ‘turn around don’t drown’ campaign has been blaring on every media outlet for the past said month. Clearly god must hate this man and is trying to go all noah on him, because

The difference between dying and not dying in a crash.

I’ve also had luck searching Craigslist for the phone number itself. If it shows up in the listing of several other vehicles, that’s a dead giveaway.

...only allowing motorcyclists to filter between cars on highways where the speed limit is 50 MPH or faster ...

Haters gonna hate. Any roadster will immediately be called a chick car, hairdresser’s car, and so on, usually by people who are clueless about cars and drive a Corolla. I had the same thing with my Miata, somewhat less with my Boxster.

Ever look at an S2000 dyno? Its torque is quite flat. It also has more of it than the 2016 miata

I've been telling this to my friends for years. One of my old Alfas gets a little sluggish after a few weeks of putting around town, so I let the fluids get nice and warm (and make sure they're fresh enough), take it to my favorite empty twisty and bounce it off the redline at WOT for about half an hour. It often

There is such a thing as a weak spark that can produce intermittent faults that are too small for the ECU to notice, case in point, my Eclipse did not have any pending or current codes for misfire.

Why is it, when I look into the eyes of this Camry, that I see the wide-eyed deranged stare of a man with nothing left. A man with nothing left and who's just drank one too many spiced pumpkin latte's, and is ready to go ballistic on the nearest passerby with the half chewed stale rice krispie treat clutched in his

237 hp and 2756 lbs sounds better, but I am biased...

Who decided to have the space-blanket models wear balaclavas? They look like they're going to an Al Qaeda-sponsored rave or something.

this armrest is very much the color of the artificial limbs of my nightmares, you know the one where every time you turn around and think it's someone you know all the sudden their face becomes distorted and they reach out with their Swedish plastic arms like zombies?

he's got plenty of cash to take it to a drag strip or a few other choice events to celebrate speed like the standing mile events or the rolling 1/2 mile air strip attacks.

Always enjoyed a good vent window.