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    You are right - thank you.

    Hey, I’m not angry or lonely, and I’ll probably be seeing this alone - stop perpetuating that stereotype! When you become an actual father, you’ll find those few times that are just right for you to get out to a movie rarely coincide with the just right times for your friends (especially if they’re also parents) and

    He’s not though. Not anymore, anyway.

    Classic Trump? No. Classic Canadian Politician, yes. We’ve got a carbon tax now for god’s sake - that alone probably puts us in the Top 10 in terms of countries actually doing something about this mess. The SNC Lavelin “scandal” was pretty classic political/corporate entanglement that at least had the intent of saving

    Hey - not in the same league!

    We know it’s not that, asshole.

    “[A]n official...told CNN.” An official? Who works for Trump? I’d take that with a grain of salt.

    I’m starting to wonder if she’s the one Trump is peeing on in that tape.

    Ah, I like that, and agree. But this analogy doesn’t even have legs.

    I feel like there’s a reference here I’m not getting.

    Good Analogy Knower: This is not a good analogy.

    I think yours is the perfect take.

    No you don’t.

    Seriously. I had these exact same arguments with people during the Bush years. “CNN is just the left’s Fox News” - not even close. If they have a leaning, it’s “pro-establishment” and that’s pretty fucking bipartisan.

    What the fuck is the point of becoming a politician if you can’t personally benefit from it?

    I thought the idea was that it’s a bit of a spoof on lame Republican nicknames.

    I worked at a place where we were told to keep a yellow folder in a visible place with desk coverage instructions in the event of an unexpected absence. Not a bad idea. We were also instructed to include our PC login info. Brilliant.

    Okay, I’ll bite. The problem is, the unborn’s so-called right to live interferes with the mother’s bodily autonomy.

    How come I could see that coming as a 21-year old unemployed university dropout pothead?

    Can I ask why you supported invading Afghanistan? Seems like the “rationale” was largely emotional, and as a Canadian I remember being totally against our support of it, other than we kinda *had* to.