Soild Snake

Lots of good people on both sides indeed.

Won’t someone please think of the poor incels?

When you spend most of your time in a basement, the answer reverses.

Do you need to bend over and lick a piece of dog shit to recognize a pile of it on the ground?

“Anti-American, disrespectful to conservatives, insulting to public education, students coerced to participate, crisis actors, disgusting politicization of tragedy”

They sound like Mountain Dew flavors.

They are “the wrong kind of violence”

A cow’s ass is an excellent bullshitter, and could do her job better.

You might not know this, but white christian, heterosexual, gun owning males are the most persecuted minority in the history of the entire globe, and quite possibly the universe.

Cheat Sheet:

They want to arm up against not-white people and liberals. Shoot the minorities, own the libs.

They are trying to sell guns. They are not crazy, they are cynical and calculating. A dog shitting on your rug because it has behavioral problems or is sick is one thing. A fully grown person shitting on your rug because they want to sell you more rugs is worse.

“I’m not wrong, everyone else is”

Most days I wish they would just drop the dog whistles and explicitly say their actual message: There is a race war coming and you better arm up if you want white people and the minorities that serve them to survive.

This is America. “Probably guilty of something” is close enough.

Carson is an asshole. Like every other evangelical, he considers himself a chosen person in a world of sinners to whom he owes no explanations or respect.

It says something about America that this obvious parody seems so believable I even had to wonder if one or both of us were serious.

I would vote for Jerome the Corgi if it comes down to him and Trump in 2020.

Because they aren’t going to be used to kill human beings, they are going to be used to kill infidels heathens.