
I wouldn't normally point this out, Mohd, but I've seen you do it twice and I thought you might like a friendly English note: instead of "exhumes" (which is the verb for retrieving something from a grave), I'm pretty sure you want "exudes" (which is the verb for emanating or "giving off" something). I hope the advice

You dug her batrachean lips?

Hallowe'en is far more effective at keeping my mind off of dead people than Christmas. Fuck Christmas. May as well just call it Pain Day.

Mistakes were made! She's not perfect (except in my childhood fantasies!)

Being Winona Ryder is a rare state of grace to which we should all aspire.

Oh, I got that it was tongue-in-cheek. I'm just bad at doing that myself this week, so I've gone with being fairly literal. I seriously just don't get how they can top off such a stressful month with an additional holiday. It's not a competition to see who can hate life the most, Yanks!

I like that this little discussion of McClellan has been conducted entirely along the lines of the specific ways in which he sucked at everything.

Maybe Texas culture plays into that a bit? I've never been, but I gather that there's a pretty strong libertarian streak regarding pretty much everything. It could be that Texas is safer for someone who's LGBT+ than Mississippi or some place like that if only because the culture mandates that you leave other people

My eldest brother estranged himself from the rest of the family years ago, about a year after taking up with his current partner and moving into her place. That's continued pretty much to this day; we saw them around the tie of my little brother's funeral and not since.

Lentil loaf can be surprisingly tasty. If you're doing fake meat, just remember that it lives and dies on surface area. In other words, the part that's directly exposed to heat is the part that tastes good, so it's usually better to chop stuff up small (like sausage medallions instead of a whole sausage). If you

They appear to do it as part of some massive wad of holiday time. American Thanksgiving is sort of like the beginning of the Christmas season, I gather. It never made sense to me for all the reasons that you describe. Doing it in October spaces out the holidays a bit better.

How many megasses does the Cobalt Ass release?

Exactly. I think the best general approach for anyone in a field dealing with mental health is a sort of flexible, cooperative humility. We don't have a skeleton key to this mystery and we're going to need to pay attention to everything if we're going to keep up. I think we need a multidisciplinary approach now

Mental illness, as a topic, is in an interesting place right now. We've come to the point where most people have skin in the game, so to speak, so it's on everybody's lips these days. Naturally, people want to appeal to authority when discussing it; in other words, we want to ask the experts. What we've found is

I'd disagree that this was the destruction of identity politics. In fact, I'd argue that Trump won precisely by exploiting identity politics. The term never seems to be used on demographic majorities, but I don't see why. Trump's team took a page from Nixon and ran on the notion of a silent majority that wasn't

Interesting. He seems like he's moving towards the social model of mental illness here. It's always fascinating to see how currents like that flow underneath the everyday noise and then start to break through with certain people. Given the date, he's ahead of his time on the subject, as far as mainstream

You and Adam Warren, I'd imagine.

I love Mr. A! To be more specific, I love his dialogue. No human being has ever talked like that or will ever talk like that. He's basically a Pilgrim's Progress character.

I'm curious about the bulletproof black leather. Does it have Kevlar underneath? If they're wearing habits over it anyway, why not wear the serious stuff with ballistic plating and such?

I haven't seen Power Girl around, but he knows the score on this kind of thing.