
It's a Simpsons reference. Bart wakes up from a nightmare in class yelling "no", which provokes Krabapel to say what ApesMa said.

*Thom Yorke comes out on stage and recites Silky Johnston's entire acceptance speech vertabim*

I rarely do karaoke, but I used to do Meatloaf pretty frequently. "I would do anything for love" is a declaration that you're about to ham it up.

There's some overlap that bolsters the effect. Comics are usually going to want to make jokes that involve music every so often, while musicians are pretty much expected these days to be able to get a few laughs in between songs. The bar's pretty low in both of those cases, so you can get by with little ability in

I can't stop giggling. Is this what it's like to be high?

There are plenty of ways to take it. He gets called out, he gets mobbed by Republicans who won't let him watch in peace, his bodyguards are obligated to remove the entire band from the stage due to how they can't pass security clearance, the insult comic won't dare to say anything about him, etc. They could run this

Is this the new running joke? Pence loves live performances but can't catch a break at any of them? I kinda like it.

I don't know why, but the existence of is the funniest thing I've read all day.

The KLF's Chill Out is the best relaxation music I've yet to find. Combine it with a muted video of a train journey for a quick trip to naptime.

It's easier than it seems. After I got past a certain point, I didn't miss meat at all, and that surprised me. You just end up getting very familiar with legumes.

Don't his letters contain musings about usurping Lincoln's authority? I read something about that. I guess it's an open question as to whether he was sabotaging his own side or just astoundingly incapable of fighting a war.

Given that I don't really understand what the guy is up to most of the time, I don't rule out the possibility that he doesn't see cognitive dissonance in that. He seems to see commerce as part of what he does, given that I've heard as much about West's clothing lines and such as I've heard about his music, so he may

Quebecois French gets made fun of by every snooty dick out there. At least the language changes with the times and therefore has a chance in hell of surviving. Shame to those who think it shameful, I say.

The north could have won handily with someone other than McClellan involved. Their advantages in materiel and numbers were so substantial as to be overpowering. McClellan was just a traitor who refused to do his goddamned job.

Kanye West comes off as downright wholesome compared to good ol' boy Ted Nugent (though the latter was never at this level of fame) or Jimmy Page (who arguably was). Hell, just compare West's somewhat-incoherent Trump support speech with Eric Clapton's infamous racist tirade.

In terms of pop music, this isn't anywhere close to some of the worst antics out there. It's just erratic enough to worry the hell out of his fans, which is sort of heartbreaking to see. I hope he pulls through both for his sake and so that his fans get their hero back.

I lost my little brother three years ago. Based on my own experience and how I've seen my family react to it, I actually totally believe losing his mother could have affected him this much. The initial grief can get complicated by other things and lead to unhealthy mental habits. If he didn't have the time to spend

The mention of Gorey reminds me of Beardsley, but I think the latter may simply have been too private to have his sexuality made particularly public.

They'd just call him a cuck and back a new horse. The difference is that people might not care about what they have to say next time. Trump made them briefly relevant, not the other way around. I see them all jumping onto other bandwagons inside of a few years.

I've barely been checking out any of the late night shows these days, but I have to hand it to whoever got Stay Human to be Colbert's band. Those fellows can definitely play. If you're going to do the whole late night big band thing, getting the right one is a big part of success (look at how tolerable the Roots can