
"Gallant remembered to put rubber gloves over his shoes. Goofus took them off entirely and now his bloody footprints are everywhere. Looks like somebody has a lot more cleaning up to do!"

Wasn't Tesla potentially asexual?

The current examples would suggest that it's easy to add to the language, though. They just need to figure out which lady in town has the most raging strap-on and name it after her. They'll be getting Jenny'd in no time!

That's right. There was the whole plotline with the death row inmate and the angel connecting him with Grace. I remember being fairly moved by how that one ended.

He played an angel, but that's about right otherwise.

The premise is serviceable. It's the stuff they do with it that sucks. A different writing team could have made something great. Even a more ruthless edit could have at least kept it from seeming like it was a million years in length. It has enough plot for about a half-hour as it stands.

"I don't believe you! You're a liar!"

Sounds like you have a series to watch, because I stand by my description. Holly Hunter's character is a rough and tumble Oklahoma cop who drinks and has sexual misadventures, but also has a guardian angel guiding her to a mysterious destiny. I actually stand by the show as a well-acted and reasonably interesting

Movie 43 is basically worthless. There is no reason to see it. I still liked it more than Wedding Crashers.

I hate it more than most movies. It's a joyless slog with no wit, insight, imagination, or timing. Everybody in it is wasted. I enjoyed it less than Movie 43.

Vince Vaughn's character gets sexually assaulted by the only gay character that I can remember. The main characters pretend to have recognizable emotions. Every bit of talent gets wasted for two hours. That's about it.

Saving Grace was an odd duck. Lots of great actors, good sense of place, some interesting twists; still basically a risqué Touched By An Angel most of the time.

Basically, the bees see it as a strong reason to keep one's temper and not get into fights. It's kind of gun ownership if you presumed that firing your gun once would definitely result in life imprisonment. The injured bee is one who gets goaded into stinging the lawyer through open bigotry against his species (I

I figured that the way that their language still had recognizable nouns and such was due to the episode performing the most epic universal translator handwave of all time. It seems like a love it or hate it episode to me, with love and hate based entirely on whether or not one accepts the Tamarians' language. I

So is this guy Treacher or what?

In terms of the military, Canada isn't doing a lot of active fighting these days (and thank goodness for that), I think; our military has taken more of a support role, which has arguable ethical dimensions depending on what you think of the actions of our coalition allies. In terms of consuming sweatshop goods and

Darmok is my favourite. It has a classic short story feel to it, right down to the implausible-but-compelling main hook, and it has a lot of emotional resonance for me (Picard telling the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu as Daathon dies always brings a tear to the eye for me).

I'd agree that they shouldn't be high standards, but I think that history has made them so. In a sense, everybody who ascends to high political office in a western nation is taking the reins of an economy fueled by what amounts to slave labour from abroad (and at home, in the case of prison labour). Americans like

That's fantastic. A stealth room would be fucking amazing. They could have massive air ducts and multiple ways through (like an expert challenge where you have to pilfer a key card from a guard).

Mega Man is less of an escape room thing and more a cross between an obstacle course and laser tag, I'd imagine.