
It's been years, but I recall the movie mentioning his usual diet at the beginning.

"Heaven on their minds", "Pilate's dream", or the trial song. It is tricky, though, as they all work as a whole.

The ancient Greeks tried it. It didn't work very well.

I know. I just wanted to provide some more specific rebuttals.

It seems like the better alternative to using the old name, though, even if it is a bit cumbersome. People change their names for a reason.

It does clarify. Truthfully, it's often strange to read about culture on this site simply because so little of it applies to my daily life. I live in a mid-sized town in Canada, watch no reality TV (and not much other TV besides), don't mind sports one way or the other, and don't eat very much fast food or any meat.

Jingles still seem to be important for radio, at least where I live. There's no way that it pays as well, but I'm glad that it hasn't died off entirely. I'm not a fan of attaching unrelated songs to commercials when it's possible and preferable to write short pieces to order for whatever one's selling.

I've been wondering about how dead names work for people who have published things under them before transition. Laura Jane Grace of Against Me!, for instance, released some solo stuff under her former name (I think). If that ever got reissued, would the name be updated? I don't know of any cases where that's

Is your point debatable, though? You offered two assertions. The first is unverifiable (there is no possible way to determine everybody who cares about gender, Southern Republican or no, and who does not) and the second is predicated on the first. These assertions won't lead to meaningful debate because the only

You're definitely right that age and nationality figure into one's perception of Caitlyn Jenner. I'm a Canadian, born in the 80 and mostly uninterested in athletics (and entirely uninterested in Kardashians), so I had no idea who she was until articles and such started informing me of her Olympic history. That's a

None of those things are particularly true. Healthcare is fine; a bit slow, but pretty good quality. Taxes are only high compared to your ludicrously low rates. No army is big enough to defend our massive, empty landmass, but ours could defend the population if we all met up in Winnipeg by the tree.

I saw it for the first time in a film class. That part got a massive laugh.

Somebody probably did it back in the territory days?

I hear you. McDonald's has only recently given us any decent options. The garden salad is OK.

I've often thought that Taco Bell could swap their beef out for textured vegetable protein without telling anyone and the only result would be people asking what they did to improve their meat.

The kid with whom I work loves McDonald's. I am a vegetarian and trying very hard to improve my health. McDonald's salads have been a genuinely nice surprise. A side garden salad is decently cheap and serves as a light meal. Who knew?

I recall a very memorable cameo at the end of To Die For.

Calvin's Irish-American as hell as written, but changing his race wouldn't change a single thing about his character. Same deal with the Murrays. It's a perfect story for changing up ethnicities.

It doesn't have to be $3000 of quality. The cost is mostly fake prestige for aspiring guillotine victims. It's expensive for the sake of being expensive.

I know nothing of the canon timeline. I'm not even sure if it's possible to pull every game into a timeline that wouldn't seem forced. I'll go look it up.