
Good catch. I should have exempted cartoons.

Same, really. I defy Hollywood to make a superhero movie this funny and energetic these days. Sure, they're often great in other ways, but this specific approach is hard to find.

Good one. Similar to the Groundhog Day scenario, really, and Nietzsche's eternal recurrence if you look at it a certain way. What becomes a priority if you stop focusing on the immediate?

Yeah, it's standard roast material. No one has to like it (just look at their ratings!), but it's par for the course.

It's about par for the course with Jimmy Carr. It's pretty much what I would have expected him to say. He does lots of stuff that's worlds away from this sort of thing nowadays, but the whole "meaner than mean" thing is a natural fallback for a Comedy Central roast. The Brits seem to have few qualms about going

It's a good point. I tend to be a bit removed from the ancillary aesthetics of musicians, as I generally just care about the music. I never liked scenes, so I often forget how much they matter to people and how much belief people can put into bands. You're right that a lot of their fans probably did see it as a

Yep, that happened, as I recall. You can't please crusts because they don't even want to be pleased. They need an enemy to survive.

Yeah. I thought "I was a teenage anarchist" was about as close as a song could get to being a succinct FAQ on the subject. I've played in a punk band for years, but I cannot brook the closemindedness of so many people involved with the genre. It's one of those things where there wasn't really anything she could do

You have to look at it from the perspective of the stupid argument. What's the problem with signing? You lose rebel credibility. What difference does it make to transition in public? You gain more rebel credibility than you ever had before. It's all about perceptions of who's hardcore and such, and travelling to

They had elements of many bands. The bit about the Saucy Jack musical always made me think of the Who. Their history of jumping on trends until they settled on heavy metal could refer to the career arcs of many British musicians of their day (Nigel Tufnel is Jimmy Page in a number of ways).

People don't? Is it actually unusual to regularly watch movies that are more than five years old? Even the current MCU juggernaut has movies older than that.

It's both. Comedies can be cautionary tales too.

Recent discovery: "What's going on" has exactly the same chords, held for the same lengths, as "Don't worry, be happy". Switch back and forth between the lyrics for a fun singalong!

'70s, but otherwise agreed.

When I was a touch younger and routinely playing sets at bars until last call, there was a time or two that I'd scavenge safe-looking beer after teardown. Ah, youth. People just left pitcher dregs right there!

She's not far off when it comes to the sentiments of at least some Canadians. I've spent time in the States throughout my life and I really do like and respect Americans in general, but it's weird as hell to see people you like and respect suddenly jump right into cheering on deaths and writing countless people you

I picked up these garlic and roasted pepper cheese curds at the flea market the other day. They're delicious to a suspicious degree. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that the nice lady at the counter had stuck in an additive to make one crave it fortnightly. Be careful if you ever run into them and have a plan not

I guess Sam only likes orange juice for breakfast if it comes with some sizzling hot takes.

I was maybe 10 when I read it and made the mistake of finishing it right before bed. No other book was ever as frightening as that one. It's great training for putting all the other monsters in their places.

I think he badly misunderstood the point about demographics?